Where you are looking from, the angle, is probably the most important of all

The view is different from the foot of the mountain than from the top

One of the weird thing about humans that they are stuck in their limited view of reality.

They don’t even suspect that there is a different view from different points.

This is why almost every otherwise worthless therapist or coach can cause temporary results… because all they need to learn is to ask you to look a different way, through a different perspective, and voilà… magic happens.

The problem is that when you are left to your own devices, you rarely if ever think to activate the magic. The magic that is magical, but isn’t magic.

Things look different from different perspectives, because that is what perspective mean

A price tag on any coaching or any course is a lie

I had an interesting insight this morning.

Putting a price tag on any coaching is going to be a lie. My strategy sessions. My 67 step coaching. My health consultations. My Water Energizer. My Heaven on EArth…

Really, almost any product.

For two reasons:

1. the value is in the eye of the buyer…
2. the value literally changes with what the buyer can and will do with it.

The client needs to become ready to use the coaching and generate big value with it. ((Cooking recipes come to mind. Unless you know cooking without recipes, unless you develop a feel for what works together, every recipe will be a disaster for you.

Here is an example.

My egg-coffee

I am

Create a life you love

Oh no! This video software that used to work doesn’t work any more. I cried out… This can happen to anyone. Technology changes so rapidly, keeping pace with it is both expensive and time consuming.

Sometimes there is an upgrade. Nowadays upgrades cost money… or the software developer simply abandoned you… and you are stranded with a software that doesn’t work any more.

I have been teaching what I teach for seven years. Teach people a world view that has been tested and true, and includes the invisible. This world view is sharply different from the accepted norms… but it works, instead of just being a nice theory like what psychologists and philosophers teach. Or even Landmark Educati

Scarcity, abundance… big words… again. What are they, and how can you get into abundance?

Both are context words. Neither talks about the stuff that is inside the context… inside the wrapper. The wrapper tells you how to look at the content.

It has nothing to do with the stuff, or the quantity of it. It can be great, it can be plenty… the context, scarcity or abundance will tell you what to feel, what to think, what to do.

Why? Because context is decisive.

You can have plenty inside the context of scarcity, and feel that you don’t have enough. Enough time, enough stuff, enough happiness, enough whatever…

…or the opposite, you can have little, but inside the context of abundance, you have what you have, and what you have is enough.


Are you building your self-esteem around things that hurt you?

I am going to quote an email from Tai Lopez, because it is so useful. He talks about a conversation with the founder of Quest bars… A protein bar I would never touch… but the guy is smart, at least what he says here is very smart, and I wish I had said what he […]

Building something worth building… A life, a business, a relationship… what is missing?

The more details you can see, accurately, interpret accurately, the higher your vibration, and the more results you can produce. We call this astute, and I haven’t been measuring that… Now, obviously it takes something to be able to be astute… Tai Lopez, whose 67 steps product I use to teach with… hell, he is …

How just one thing, one principle, one distinction can turn your life around

One of the crucial steps in the 67 steps, in Step 26, the belts and suspenders step is a step that has been paying me dividends for a year now. It began when I first heard it, sometime in February, … Continue reading “How just one thing, one principle, one distinction can turn your life […]

Awareness: what the heck is that? A word… OK. But what does it mean?

It is said that awareness , the awareness factor is the best predictor of someone’s chances for success. Simply put: your awareness is a measure that expresses how far your head is out of your anus, and how much of … Continue reading → Related Posts: Develop your Awareness, your conscious awareness Updated: Does Meditation […]

Dr Eric Berg… republished vibrational review

For those of you who came here just for the numbers: the guy is guided by greed. Dr Eric Berg’s personal vibration is 170, the same as Tai Lopez, cut from the same cloth… and the method depends a lot … Continue reading

The secret to happiness is wanting what you have

When I look back at my life, I find that the way to get ahead in life, the way to amass knowledge, the way to grow is through wanting what you have… and more of it.

Curiosity, the word, means something different for different people.

The low vibration person looks outside of themselves for something pleasant to titillate them.

The high vibration person looks inside of themselves for something pleasant they already have experienced and they can have more of if they want to.

If you look at my life you may come away with the insight that if you sleep very little, and when you are awake you work, then you’ll be “whatever you say about me”.

I am nearly 70 years old. I slept an average five hours a night. Many years th