How to grow some balls… at least seemingly

grow-some-balls-2As I have mentioned, I have signed up to an expensive course that teaches a marketing method to pick the right people that are a good match for what I am attempting to do: take a group of people to the level of human being, the next evolutionary level for the species.

Signing up opened a can of worms.

Several daily emails, and a slew of offers, all beyond my need, all beyond my budget.

Today, a week into this campaign, the fifteenth video, the offer is 20 thousand dollars… and I am ready to throw in the towel.

It is like being in a restaurant,

…asking for a bowl of soup… That is what I wanted, that is what I can afford.

But they don’t le

Could you, can you have a great life without ever adding a spiritual capacity to your arsenal?

light-a-fire2Could you, can you have a great life without ever adding a spiritual capacity to your arsenal?

This question has never been asked of me, so I am asking the question, for you, on your behalf.

Because we are starting to see that keeping spiritual capacities on is not the easiest thing to do… unless…

I’ll talk about that unless later on in this article.

So, what is the answer?

The answer is surprising: you can have a great life without ever adding a spiritual capacity.

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Conscious awareness is the best predictor of worldly success… your worth a damn factor is close second


To my surprise, people have no idea that their worth a damn factor has been neglected since they were little babies.

They get “encouragement” to not know that there is such a thing… and then they grow up to be seriously not worth a damn, and they suffer.

How does it work?

If you are consistently praised for being a good girl, a pretty girl, a smart girl… you’ll think that that is what there is to it. That is your ticket to the good life, to paradise.

happiness2But life does not work this

For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.

soccer-ball-in-the-faceWhat I didn’t say in the last article about conscious awareness and discipline, is probably as important as what I did say.

Lots of people argue that your subconscious or your ego are more important than what you are aware of consciously, but that may not be true.

Your ego, your drive given to you by the genes and their selfish desire that is so often counter to your conscious desire: unless you know thine enemy, the enemy will always win.

Your decisions from the past that are now not in the conscious part of your brain: ditto. If you don’t know at least the most important decisions that have taken you to where you are… then they will continue to run the show, that is your life

It’s hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur when you open your mouth.

eb3bf6d2bcf2ecaf1ee944306d115dd2Some days I have nothing to say. It doesn’t feel like there is anything to say that needs to be said.

Some people never have anything to say and they talk all the time. Others think that they have to first formulate it in their heads to say it, and it never comes together.

Professional thinkers, writers know that “it is hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur wen you open your mouth.”

Thinking is a lot like digging for gold. Someone or something has to hold the dirt, or you can’t get beneath it.

For something worth thinking, something worth saying

Updated: Why are there so many fake gurus?

michael jordan taught with his behavior and his attitude. how many listened? not manyI had an interesting insight today.

Recently a man from Switzerland came to the site, bought some of my energy audios, and even came to a call. Although his vibration was very low, he had interesting ideas, and I was excited to work with him.

Today he wrote me  a “Dear John” email, saying

Sophie, …you probably wondered why I did not attend the seminar yesterday.

when trying to connect, my computer refused the connection.this expresses a change of mind I felt yesterday.

I knew, that this path is not for me. t

The “art” of blocking consciousness from seeing…

allowing consciousness to see moreThe art of seeing more of the world, the art of causing consciousness to see more of the world is to ask different questions.

Asking questions is not easy.

Questions come out from the top of the mind region… to clarify, verify, cement the world view.

The value of these question is negative value. They make you more stuck in the mind than not asking that question.

These are the questions you mostly ask.

How to get “other” questions, questions that allow you to see more of the world or let consciousnes

Why do people think that taking a little energy remedy, doing a little meditation will raise their vibration?

being churchWhy do people think that adding a little energy remedy to their low vibration life, doing a little meditation will raise their vibration?

Vibration number is an indicator to how close you are to becoming the peak of evolution: a human being.

If raising your vibration were a school curriculum, you’d start where you are, and move onto the next level only when you have maxed out the previous requirements. No jumping, no passing grades.

The subjects in the curriculum: Increasing awareness, the using and activating of your internal and external capacities

The story you so diligently protect… that you lie for, you die for…

not-pretty-enough-smallerThe single reason most people don’t want to work with me is this: I will rob them (attempt to) of their sob story. ((Sob story: a repeating way to be miserable, to lose out on life, to be beaten down))

What’s a sob story?

Well, everybody has one… It was born after an incident in early childhood.

Something happened, and you made a decision about yourself, about the world, about your mother.

Some people have interlocking decisions, making the sob story as strong as a Greek myth.

As long as your sob story is intact, you lie through your life to mai

Lovely Mind Candy: The problem isn’t that life is unfair – it’s your broken idea of fairness

If-life-was-fair-2Article is by Oliver Emberton

Unless you’re winning, most of life will seem hideously unfair to you.

he truth is, life is just playing by different rules.

The real rules are there. They actually make sense. But they’re a bit more complicated, and a lot less comfortable, which is why most people never manage to learn them.

Let’s try.

Rule #1: Life is