How dead are you? If your life is not a roller coaster, then you are not alive.

how-dead-are-youWhat you are, instead alive, is a walking dead, resigned, and settled for the little that, it seems, life has to offer. To you. You see others, seemingly happy, seemingly alive, and you feel regret, shame, and envy.

Your heart, where rain forests and colorful birds, and life used to live, is devastated. The lush rain forests gone, the birds gone, life: gone.

Your ups and downs are tiny, not like a roller coaster. They are about money, or noise, or that you are fat, or skinny, or that you are aging. Irrelevant circumstances.

Maybe it is about someone being sick, maybe dying… but that is also a circumstance.

Making choices: are you a rank amateur?

Risk-Management-2This may be the most important article you read this year, this decade… because this article may inspire you to become a professional at living, instead of remaining a rank amateur… aka bumbling idiot.

Risk Management

You have two options. You need to choose. You need to choose the option that has the lower cost to your reproductive success if it turns out to be wrong.

Now, I suspect, that almost none of us think about cost in terms of reproductive success, but according to evolutionary psychology, you are a mere vehicle to your genes, your genes are only inte

Updated: Happiness is an energetic phenomenon… remove blockages to restore the flow

restoring-the-flowHappiness is an energetic phenomenon, it is not a “feeling” per se, albeit it is a feeling of flow.

Well-being is also an energetic phenomenon… and just like happiness, it is a feeling of flow.

Flow is the undisturbed, unrestricted life force. It’s energetic. It is real. It is not a feeling… it cannot be pretended.

Your mind cannot pretend that there is flow, you cannot imagine flow and flow would happen. It happens the other way around: there is flow and then your mind catches up with it… only to often just block it again

Do you have free will? Free choice? What is the ego’s role in that?


Genetic determinism ((Genetic determinism is the mechanism by which genes, along with environmental conditions, determine looks and behavior.)) and the ego’s role in it.

I could also have made the title: your horoscope and your ego’s role in it, or your soul correction and your ego’s role in it.

There is a lot of different ways people define ego, but what if the ego is none of those. Not what Freud called ego, not what gurus call ego.

What if the ego is simply the mechanism by which the Selfish Gene perpetuates itself… like an old dog that is un

The dangers of having empathy…

understandI saw something really important this morning.

One of my students is planning to build a business that he can do while working for a big corporation full time.

He knows what he wants to do. He knows why he wants to do it. He has the skills: he is good at it. If he gets a client: the client will be happy.

But… having a product, a service, is one thing. Selling it is another thing.

To sell anything doesn’t need you to be good at doing the service, or creating a good product.

Selling is a whole other business.

You either need a partner who can sel

Left out, left behind… and you are scrambling or resign…

others bragging make you feel left out, less, inferiorWhen you become aware of your urges… a feeling that urges you to do something, mostly to relieve a tension, a pain, a fear, you’ll probably find this fear of being left out, being left behind.

Urges make you do self-destructive, self-damaging things. Things that when you watch other people do them, you shake your head.

Fear of being left out, fear of being left behind has an age associated with it. It’s young. And your behavior to “fix it” will be young too.

As you may know,

More on being locked out… I am handing you the key

thumbSome 10 years ago I did a year long course, called Partnership Explorations. It was intense, incomprehensible, and difficult.

Yet, it had an aspect that caused me to have an insight that was directly responsible for the breakthrough that you live with me, now.

The course was some talk, and a lot of collages.

A collage is an artwork… normally. But in the Partnership Explorations course it was a tool to get a new insight about life, about ourselves.

In one collage I wanted to show that I was locked out. I was locked out of the kind of life I saw people enjoy: parties, kissing, love.

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Turning points: how to create them so you start having access to being

resentmentThe response to my beingness article has been a cry for help… Help to get you to beingness. This article talks about three ways you block the flow. There are, of course, a lot more ways, but we’ll start with these. When you release these, you’ve done 50% of the work to get to beingness.

We’ll look at the Three R’s, resignation, resentment, regret. We are going to create a turning point in our lives.

Most people wait for something to turn them and their lives around. We are going to take an active approach… we

How could you feel REAL LOVE? How could you experience REAL LOVE?

I’d like to write about love, or being loving today.

In this space I’ll quote Osho, and other people… I am not going to talk about what YOU call love, because what you call love is not love… unless you can call ‘loving ice cream,’ love.

Go read the rest of the article

The greatest secret of life is that life is a gift. And so is happiness

I think, that of all Osho’s talks that I know, this is the most significant, and the most helpful, if you EVER want to be able to return HOME, to the present moment, where you can be content, happy, and start living.

Osho talks: The Man Who Loved Seagulls
7 May 1975 am in Buddha Hall
There …

Go read the rest of the article