When you don’t fit in… what can you do?

If you are on this site, you will find yourself, more or less, in this article. And it may change your life.

A student writes,

Hi Sophie, I think I take trivial and superficial things too seriously. How can I let go of these immaterial incidents or people and focus on important things that truly matter to me?

I also find out that sometimes I become the victim of scams.

this was my answer

This is the sign of two things, Kate: 1. your map of reality isn’t very similar to reality. 2. you have too much importance attached to nice words about you… i.e. you want to be defined by words not by your actions.

It is the main reason I read the book Feelings, to f

With great power comes great responsibility

With great power comes great responsibility… Yeah, I know, sounds really boastful when you think I am saying it to myself… right?
But truth be told, not owning your power is more damaging to you than standing up and declaring it for all to hear.
Withholding it destroys you from the inside,…

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/12652/great-power/