This article is about the inner workings of a human… that if you get it wrong, the price you pay for the error is your life.
Is a human like a assembled faucet? When it drips you have to replace the whole thing?
I energize my water in a 5 gallon (20 liter) plastic containers with a spigot.
The spigot is replaceable, but I am not strong enough to unscrew it. I have the replacement spigot… I bought it a year ago, but is still sitting on my kitchen counter. I still need to be mindful that the old spigot, which is just another word for water tap… still drips.
Why is it so difficult to change? I am in the business of causing change… Causing you to cause change for yourself… Because ultimately YOU cause the change, YOUR actions cause the change… I am pointing you towards the actions …
First: Heartmath has a theory, that the heart has a lot of brain cells in it and they can be influenced just like the brain can be… The promise is of Heartmath is to help you calm down and handle … Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Heartmath Institute”
My habit is to read one or two non-fiction books, cover to cover, the old fashioned way, and then about 600 pages worth of fiction. My choice of fiction is historical novels, mostly. I like the short and sweet novellas … Continue reading → Related Posts: Healing and the Placebo Effect Well Being, Aliveness, Energy, […]
A few years ago I found myself attracted to a healing modality, the Healing Codes. I heard the testimonial about the little boy healed from Leukemia. It had relevance to me: I was worried about an angry red pulsating mole-like growth on my arm. Going to a doctor was out of the question, dying didn’t appeal to me, so I chose instead to attempt some self-healing.
The Universal Power Booster To Any Modality Including The Healing Codes, tapping, EFT, coaching, meditation, yoga, reiki, trivedi, visualizations, etc. I am known as the guru buster. Quite a dubious claim to fame, and if it were someone else I would probably have my doubts as far as their intentions are concerned. I would suspect that maybe they are trying to clear the field so they can push their own stuff into the sudden vacuum that they created… or something sinister like that
Hello Sophie- I’ve been reading your post about raising your vibration- but how do you activate original self? You got me curious now! Amy * Hello Sophie, We’ll since talking with you, about a day after, I got very irritated. Everything was annoying and making me mad. I was thinking of old issues with people and why I thought they were wrong or how mean they treated me. I was surprised at all of this because I thought I had moved on from these memories.
I am quite known for my “guru” reviews. I use my two unique faculties to do these reviews. I connect to Source. Then I connect to them, I feel their feelings, guilt, shame, anger, greed, breathing, etc. and then I muscle test their vibrations, the truth value of their teachings. It takes me 3-10 minutes on average.
The measurements I produce with this method are reliable and consistent.
Although it sounds simple, I haven’t met anyone who could duplicate it. Connecting to Source and not your mind is not easy. Connecting to another person is not easy. Feeling their feelings is not easy. Muscle testing without any involvement from the mind is not easy.
Oftentimes, simple muscle testing doesn’t give me the why and the how. Then I go deep into the material, and I use a different faculty: seeing with my awareness to decide if they are any good, and if they aren’t, what’s the issue with t
Vibrational Reviews: Vibrational Reviews: Nickie Thetsy tnano, Master healer John Douglas, Adam Shiffman insight energetic, Andrew Bartzis, Elizabeth K Stratton, Aluna Joy, Christel Hughes, the healing codes, Source Healing, AFT, smart minerals, Dr. Kurt Ebert and AFT
Nickie Thetsy (personal…
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The easy and obvious answer would be that some do the work of the program, others don’t. But what if neither do the work? And yet, some have results, and other don’t. What is the explanation? Are the “some” smarter? … Continue reading →