I sometimes get lucky. A generous person lets me know exactly what are the sentiments that dominate my readers. Right now I have this special offer for health muscle testing. Two things special about it: 1. I let you in and I’ll measure you, without you having to talk to me. And from my point […]
Are feelings and emotions the same? Would being able to tell them apart make you a happier, more accomplished person?

Are feelings and emotions the same? …or why all techniques of increasing Emotional Intelligence are b.s. and not effecting the level of happiness, the level of well-being of people who practice it. Same is true about the Emotional Guidance System of Abraham Hicks… b.s. and ineffective. Why? Because they are trying to change the fruits instead of the roots… Putting makeup on syphilitic lesions. ((In 1969, I was 22 years old, I was hanging out with a new friend, who was gay.
One day I got a phone call from the hospital ordering me to show up… I did. I was named as a person in the ci
Telling the truth will set you free. The counter intuitive path to happiness

Some people won’t adhere to a diet that would make them healthy.
Stupidity? Yes, stupidity on a very deep selfish gene level.
It’s not that they don’t understand the price they are paying.
It’s that they make choices that the genes are making: not making waves, not bringing attention to themselves, not being different, fitting in is more important than being healthy, having energy, feeling good, calm, intelligent.
Almost everything “social” is gene directed. I say “almost” because I am humble. I don’t know any social that is NOT gene directed, but there could be, maybe.
So what do the genes want?
The genes want to survive, and they want to pass into a new generation.
Being liked, fitting in are
The truth, that I found three layers deep, will set you free

I am most famous for my ability to distinguish. Distinguishing is a rare capacity, the ability to tell the forest from the tree. It is solidly based on the ability to peel off layers so one can get to the root… and often below the level that used to be considered the root. Layer below layer below layer.
This past week I had the good fortune to go deeper yet again.