One of the most surprising thing in the world of humans is that humans can’t tell if they are smart or not. This error leads to lives that are not fulfilled, filled with fear, trepidation, or on the other extreme: boasting and disappointment. ((This is a horrible thing. Do you know what is the worst thing about me for me?
I bet you would not be able to guess, so I’ll share it with you.
I expect you to be smart. I really do. And I am always surprised when I find out that you are not.
In my world smart means: quick and accurate on the uptake. See with your own eyes. Understand and be able to see things for what they are, without me pointing it out.
American actors are mostly useless, but it may be because American directors have no empathy? And yet some of the most missing feelings I got from American TV series I have watched through Netflix. I have recently learned family love, and being able to choose, ultimately, what is win-win… in a series I am watching now, Blue Bloods about a Irish family of cops in New York City. I also had a peek at something I didn’t know I wanted to feel: how religion is for people who have faith…
The hardest thing to navigate, at least for me, is to take myself out of the center… Maybe because of my soul correction “Forget Thyself” but it comes back to make me miserable periodically.
I have been testy lately.
I have always wanted to be significant. Do significant things. Be admired… blah blah blah.
What I didn’t realize that like everything ego desire based, desire to receive for the self alone, it has a shadow side.
When you are significant, and someone doesn’t give you what you think they are supposed to… you are angry and miserable.
A spiritual practice like no other… are you doing it?
What makes the “Stranger than Fiction” type of narration work like gangbusters to get you out of your head?
To my surprise not many people take advantage of the opportunity to watch a good movie and steal a habit that can be called a spiritual practice that can take you from a victim of your mind, to as near a human being as you can get in a few months’ time.
The question in your life is: who possesses who? Who possesses what?
But the answer to that question, albeit it is fashionable to think that the guy/gal with the most toys wins, will surprise you: the person who possesses himself wins, every step of the way.
I pretty much don’t know anyone with any level of self-possession: it can be measured.
People are like leaves blowing in the wind, flotsam on the ocean… out of control, hoping for a favorable wind… lacking what can only developed by rigorous practice.
Rigorous? Practice? Please stop laughing… you are out of control!
Unless you learn how to identify with the Witness aka Observer, you’ll be miserable for the rest of your life. Guaranteed. It’s Sunday. Ever since I woke up the Negative Emotion Transmission has been very strong today. Stronger than on … Continue reading →
Being ((The state or quality of being being; existence)) is a tricky word, in every language I know. We use it as if it were cheap, inconsequential, but it causes mischief.
When you say “I am depressed” instead of “I feel depressed”, without knowing that there is a difference, you, unwittingly, practice self-definition.
You can feel a lot of things. Feelings and emotions have a normal tendency, that when not resisted, they move. They change. They morph from one feeling to another.
In this whole series, Osho examines a piece of poem or a story from a world culture that is spiritually meaningful. This poem is Japanese. Osho distinguishes being in the present, not being in the past, not being in the future, not desiring the present different from what it is.
Ultimately, this is the path to joy and happiness… Please read.
This is a republished article from June 26, 2013… So please don’t get alarmed… this didn’t just happen. It happened long time ago. But the message is as timely as ever…
What is the opposite of reaction; is it response? Is it pro-active? Prepare to be surprised…
Gurus and even psychologists give lip service to not being reactive. They say it’s the ego’s way to take over your life. They suggest that you respond. They don’t know what they are talking about, and you, the client, suffer as a result.
Today’s article is for people that are able and willing to think. Readers. Learners. People able to hold a thought. If you are 90% of my visitors: leave now. Please.
We are under mind-controlling influences, most of the time. If you want to have a life not directed by the mind control…
Go read the rest of the article