If you read my previous article, you know that I think of the movie “The Constant Gardener.” As I was looking for pictures, I stumbled onto a movie review where the person either didn’t see the movie or is dumb. And the article is five years old, and he never realized that he is dumb.
So that prompted me to look for article s where dumb people think they are smart. Here is one… I am going to make slight changes in the original…
20 Reasons Why The World Is Full Of Dumb People Who Think They’re Smart
by Daniel Hayes
Posted on November 28, 2015 by University
in Evolution Modalities |
Tagged ability , apples , appreciation , article , average , behavior , being , believe , body , broadcast , capacities , capacity , cards , challenge , changes , character , character defects , children , comfort , complacency , confident , constant , context , cover , creativity , curiosity , Daniel , data , david , dna , education , effect , effects , Error , example , explanation , face , form , genius , goal , growing , high , ideas , ignorance , important things , improvement , individuals , institute , intelligence , intelligent , IQ , it , jobs , juice , keep , Knowledge , level , life , Likely , lower , matter , matters , mba , mean , middle , moment , movie , new ideas , new things , news , night , number , old , original , parents , people , person , phenomenon , pictures , place , problem , professor , question , quote , real , real knowledge , reasons , research , review , richard , satisfaction , self , self-improvement , short , skills , slothfulness , smart , smarts , source , students , Studies , study , success , task , teeth , tendency , terms , territory , test , the self , things , thinking , thought , time , to.learn , trump , University , values , view , women , work , working , world , wrong |
What ISIS Really Wants
from the Atlantic
The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.
What is the Islamic State?
Where did it come from, and what are its intentions? The simplicity of these questions can be deceiving, and few Western leaders seem to know the answers. In December, The New York Times published confidential comme
Posted on November 19, 2015 by University
in Evolution Modalities |
Tagged accepting , ACT , actions , acts , adult , advice , affairs , african , air , allowing , alone , ambition , american , answer , answers , apocalypse , architect , area , areas , argue , argument , army , article , aspects , attacks , attitude , attraction , author , authorities , average , base , based , battle , be complete , behavior , being , belief , beliefs , believe , black , blood , body , book , books , bring , british , brother , burning , burns , calls , care , case , Catch , cause , central , century , change , channel , character , children , chocolate , choice , choose , christian , christians , clear , code , codes , coffee , coffee shop , coherent , colleagues , collecting , commands , Comment , commitment , committed , common , communication , companion , company , comparison , concept , conclusions , confident , conflict , confused , confusion , consequences , contempt , control , controls , conversation , core , cost , count , country , cover , creation , creativity , crime , criticism , curiosity , current , danger , david , day , deal , death , decision , decisions , declaration , degree , denial , denying , desire , destiny , disciples , discord , displeasure , distinction , divine , dogma , drama , drawing , drugs , duty , Dying , eager , ears , earth , eastern , education , effect , elements , embedded , embrace , emotional , emulate , enemies , energies , energy , enslave , enslavement , entertainment , environment , Error , establishment , event , evil , example , Exercise , existence , expanding , expect , expectation , expert , explained , explanation , eyes , face , facebook , fact , failure , faith , false , familiarity , family , fantasy , fathers , favor , feeds , feet , few days , fighting , finally , fit , focus , followers , food , force , forced , form , founding fathers , France , free , french , friday , friends , fulfilling , Fulfillment , future , game , garbage , george , german , germany , glorious , goal , goals , god , government , grief , group , groups , guide , h.o.e. , hand , head , heal , health , heat , help , hermit , high , history , home , homicide , hook , hope , hopes , humanity , humility , hundreds , hygiene , idea , ignorance , imagery , imam , impervious , individual , individuals , innovation , instantly , institute , integrity , intelligence , international , interview , invasion , invitation , irish , isis , islam , islamic state , isolation , issue , it , japanese , jerusalem , jesus , jews , job , jordan , joy , judgment , juncture , justice , keep , khalif , killing , kind , king , lack , Law , laws , lead , leader , leaders , learning , leave , led , length , lie , lies , life , lifetime , light , Likely , line , lines , lit , lives , living , logic , london , longing , lord , losing , lost , magazine , major , majority , making , manner , map , mass , masses , matter , matters , meal , mean , media , mentor , mercy , messiah , met , methodology , middle , mind , minimum , misery , mission , model , modern , moment , Money , moral , moslem , mother , motivation , mouse , movement , movies , multiple , muslim , muslims , nation , nature , New York Times , new yorker , news , northern , novel , number , obama , obligation , observation , obsession , offensive , office , official , old , online , operation , opinion , Opponent , opposition , order , organization , Organizations , original , origins , outsider , package , Paris , partner , parts , party , past , path , Peace , people , percent , perfection , permission , person , personal , perspective , phenomenon , philippines , physical , picture , pig , place , planet , play , player , pleasure , point , poison , polish , politically correct , politician , politics , position , posts , potential , power , powerful , practice , practices , prayer , present , president , pretending , principle , priorities , priority , private , problem , problem with , problems , producers , professor , program , project , promised , prophecy , prophet , prosperity , protection , public , question , questions , quotes , range , reader , reading , real , reality , realization , reason , reasons , regard , regards , religion , reluctance , report , reputation , requirement , researchers , responsibility , restaurant , restaurants , review , right , rock , room , rough , rule , rules , running , seeing , seekers , self , seminar , services , set , setbacks , sham , share , shift , short , should , shows , sight , sign , signs , Silence , silent , simplicity , sin , situation , Slavery , slogan , smash , social , social-media , society , somebody , soul , souls , sound , space , speaking , speculation , spell , spiritual , standard , standards , standing , state , statements , status , stays , story , stream , street , structure , struggle , stuck , student , students , Studies , study , stuff , style , subject , success , suicide , summer , survival , taxes , teaching , teachings , television , temptation , tens , terms , territory , Terror , text , the problem , theory , therefore , things , thinking , thought , thousands , threat , time , toilet , toilet paper , tools , torture , traditions , trash , travel , triumph , trying , tweet , twitter , types , united , united-states , unity , unknown , upbringing , vacuum , valentines , variety , vehicle , version , victims , victory , video , video shows , videos , view , views , virtue , vision , voice , wallet , wars , watch , water , west , western , westerners , what happened , wife , willing , willingness , women , words , work , world , Worse , wrong , year , zone |
Posted on November 16, 2015 by University
in Evolution Modalities |
Tagged a life worth living , ability , access , actions , activation , activator , acts , alien , alive , alone , apocalypse , article , articles , ascension , bad feelings , based , behavior , being , book , brothers , business , capacities , capacity , care , caring , category , cause , change , charity , choose , correction , culture , desire , desire for the self alone , distinction , dna , dna capacity , dna capacity activation , doing the work , dream , email , envy , evil , family , father , Feelings , feet , finding , footnotes , french , frustration , fun , generous , greed , guess , hard time , hate , hebrew , human , human being , human beings , human nature , humanity , humans , impatience , influence , inside , it , jealousy , jews , job , Kabbalah , keep , killing , language , level , life , link , list , living , long time , loving , mass , matters , mean , mind , muscle , muscle test , nature , new capacities , night , old , open , pain , paypal , people , person , placebo , point , positive , positive thinking , possibility , pretending , pretense , process , reason , regret , remember , rough , sake , savior , search , self , sense , sex , shall , shame , sharing , sign , Simple , society , soul , soul correction , stage , steps , students , survival , test , the self , things , thinking , time , transfiguration , transformation , transition , truth , unless , unwilling , voodoo , weird , what happened , word , words , work , working , www.yourvibration.com , you don't know , your soul , your soul correction , yourvibration , yourvibration.com |
If I asked you what will be the most important capacity to master in the coming years, you would come up with all kinds of capacities, but I bet you would not think of saying: becoming astute.
If you go to the online dictionary, like one of my students did, the one for whom I made this activators, you would not understand why that capacity is important.
Here is what the dictionary has to say:
Posted on November 9, 2015 by University
in Raise Your Vibration |
Tagged ability , accurate , activation , activator , activators , Africa , alive , amazing , angry , area , article , aspects , assignment , astute , attention , audio , avatar , avatar state audio , avatar-state , awareness , being , biggest issue , books , capacities , capacity , carpenter , chances , charity , chinese , choices , commitment , count , courses , culture , current , deal , deception , desire , discerning , distinguish , dna , dna capacity , earth , elbow , emotion , emotional , emotional intelligence , emotions , energy , example , eyes , fear , feeling , good thing , grieve , happy , heaven , heaven on earth , helping , home , human , idea , india , innocence , intelligence , issue , it , job , judge , keep , kind , Knowledge , knowledge is power , lack , life , light , little kid , logic , master , matter , mean , meaning , mistake , modern , muscle , muscle testing , negative , nothing works , number , one in a million , online , open , parents , Peace , pebble , pebble webinar , people , person , philippines , point , power , pretending , question , real , requirement , response , results , right , seeing , self-improvement | vibration , should , shows , shrewd , signs , smart , source , state , student , students , stuff , suppress , survival , the thousand years of peace , things , thinking , thousand years of peace , time , tool , TV shows , updated , Vibration , warning , webinar , words , work , works , world , worry , you don't know |
Warning: as always, the most important things are explained in the footer part of the post! Don’t miss them!
Some weeks are like this: I do something, see something, write about something important, and on Monday Roy Williams’ Monday Morning Memo echoes it.
This is the case this week… You know when you manage to do something whose time has come? Gratifying, rewarding, like the Universe nods in your direction. ((Roy Wil
Posted on November 2, 2015 by University
in Evolution Modalities |
Tagged ability , ACT , action , actions , activate , activation , activator , alive , american , article , avoidance , being , blind , body , book , boys , buffet , capacities , capacity , case , cause , change , clear , commitment , compassion , competition , consequences , contribution , country , dark side , decision , direction , dna , dna capacity , dream , England , events , example , explained , explanation , exponential , Feelings , follow , fulfilled , Generosity , gifts , guess , Guidance , guides , hardship , help , home , idea , important things , influence , inside , IQ , it , job , joe , keep , Knowledge , life , limited perspective , Little Bit , living , lol , makes sense , mind , morning , motivation , obama , open , path , paypal , people , perspective , post , powerful , practice , presidents , pressure , process , question , quotes , raise , Raise Your Vibration , reading , remote , responsibility , results , right , roy williams , seeing , self-improvement | vibration , sense , set , share , shoulders , sight , skype , societal , society , somebody , stock , story , striving , students , surprise , taking responsibility , talents , teachers , teaching , test , the sight , the universe , theory , things , thinking , thoughts , time , Time Has Come , tree , tree of knowledge , trump , united , united-states , universe , unless , Vibration , vibrational , victim , warning , warren , warren buffet , webinar , work , works , you don't know |
OK, if you have found yourself not being willing, or not being able to do the practices, or keep doing them: this article is for you.
I have been studying learning styles, thinking styles, teaching methods to make my teaching more effective. And while it wasn’t a waste of time, because it brought me to this day and this knowledge, it was putting the cart in front of the horse.
Today I recounted some effective teaching methods to a friend… They were effective to me. But when I looked at all the people who were exposed to the same teaching, same teaching method, same teacher, at the sam
Posted on November 1, 2015 by University
in Raise Your Vibration |
Tagged action , actions , activate , activator , activator download , answer , article , articles , attachment , attachment removal , backwards , being , biology , cannot see , capacities , capacity , change , charge , child , choose , clear , client , clients , connecting , connecting to source , consequences , conversation , cost , courses , day , download , ego , energy , example , exercises , fact , friend , group , Hm , hope , horse , information , issue , it , keep , Knowledge , landmark , learning , level , life , lives , living , loved , mass , mathematics , method , methods , missing , missing capacity , Money , muscle , pam , pam ragland , paypal , people , person , planet , playground , practice , practices , program , question , raise , Raise Your Vibration , reason , reclaim , relationship , remote , results , self-improvement | vibration , sense , site , skype , society , source , spiritual , spiritual work , student , students , t. harv eker , teacher , teaching , teeth , thinking , thought , time , to.learn , unless , Vibration , webinar , willing , work |
Posted on October 28, 2015 by University
in Raise Your Vibration |
Tagged activator , activators , air , allow , angels , answer , article , articles , ascension , beautiful , being , billions , birth , blah blah blah , boat , bull crap , cause , choose , clarity , comfortable , connect , connect to source , connected , crap , current , dark side , darkness , deal , degree , desire , different styles , direction , divine , divine intervention , dream , energies , energy , energy level , entities , evolution , exercises , existence , explained , force , gods , gravity , guess , Guidance , gurus , hand , heat , heaven , high , high vibration , Higher Vibration , hospital , human , human being , humans , hungary , innocent , intention , it , level , life , light , light source , Little Bit , lol , long long time , long time , lost , low vibration , lower , matter , mean , method , moment , movement , muscle , old , participants , people , phase , Phase Activators Course , place , planet , planetary ascension , point , positive , pretending , programs , question , questions , raising , raising your vibration , reading , real , real desire , reality , reason , review , rock , room , second phase , seeing , self , self-improvement | vibration , source , species , spirits , students , swimming , swims , the dark side , the light , things , thinking , time , trick , trying , Vibration , vibrational , vibrational reading , water , work , working , works |
This may just be a legend… Yet, legends can teach…
Marco Polo was an Italian man who arrived into the Great Khan’s court. The Great Khan asked him and his two companions about the desert they had to cross to get to his court.
The two older men had little to say. Marco Polo, on the other hand, had a lot to say.
The two older men were banished, Marco Polo was given the role of advisor.
Because Marco Polo didn’t live his live with his consciousness buried in his mind.
WTF, right? What does that mean?
Mind and consciousness are not the same, don’t even live in the same
Posted on October 21, 2015 by University
in Evolution Modalities |
Tagged absorber , access , allow , allowing , architecture school , article , articles , attention , being , body , Brain , certain things , chance , change , choice , Comment , consciousness , control , core , country , cross , day , desert , detriment , digestion , distance , emotional , environment , existence , experiment , father , follow , freecell , function , growing , hand , happy , head , horse , hungarian , idea , information , issue , it , job , judge , learning , life , mathematics , mean , meaning , meditation , meditations , mind , mother , neck , people , percent , physical , physics , place , play , point , practice , present , reading , real , real learning , reality , right , rocks , rule , school , secret , secret weapon , seeing , self , sex , shock , shock absorber , should , speaking , starting , starting point , state , stuck , stuff , stupid , style , surprise , teachers , telling , things , thinking , to.learn , touch , tree , tree of life , truth , type , understanding , weapon , webinar , webinars , willing , words , work , world |