Preamble: You can follow me down the rabbit hole. You can do it… The only question is: will you think it worth your while?
I know I have said it before, lots of times, but I will say it again, but slightly differently this time. So bear with me: the reward will be unbelievable!
When something isn’t working, there is something you don’t know.
Said in another way:
When something isn’t working (the way you expected it to work), you can be sure that there is something you don’t know or can’t see.
Now, when you hear this sentence, you will never think about your mindset. You’ll never think that your thinking is wrong. That your life philosophy is wrong.
Posted on December 18, 2016 by University
in Evolution Modalities |
Tagged 67 steps , ability , accident , acting , actions , affinity , allow , alone , answer , article , attention , battle , behavior , being , book , boundaries , breakfast , cannot see , care , case , case study , center , change , chess , child , children , chinese , client , closure , coach , consciousness , control , curiosity , currency , curriculum , day , designer , dna , effects , einstein , energized , energy , everybody , evolution , family , follow , force , forced , freedom , good life , Guidance , guide , Happiness , happy , head , health , home , hope , human , humanity , intelligence , intelligent , intention , IQ , it , job , juice , Knowledge , level , level of consciousness , life , lip service , lives , lol , losing , love , loved , making , master , match to life , matter , mind , mindset , miserable , movies , moving , no matter what , north , nutrients , one in a million , original , original article , paradigm , passion , path , pattern , people , person , philosophy , physical , planning , power , powers , prayers , preparation , private , problem , question , questions , quit , quitting , reactive , real , right , rules , satisfaction , school , scientist , secret , seeing , sentence , session , shall , shambles , shore , Simple , situation , solution , spiritual , spiritual teacher , standard , step , steps , story , struggle , student , students , study , stuff , stupid , sun , surface , tea , teacher , teachers , teaching , the good life , the problem , things , thinking , time , to.learn , topic , tough , treat , truth , truth about , trying , unless , watch , woman , work , working , workshops , wrong , yesterday , you don't know |
If you wanted to change… if you actually wanted to change… so your life can change too… where would you make the change?
I just had a conversation with one of my students who shows promise to be able to change.
On a side note: where do I look when I assess who will change and who will not?
I will look at two places:
1. do they argue or offer explanations or excuses when they get feedback from me. Argument, explanations, and excuses are the sign of a foolish person who won’t take feedback, and either won’t change, or will do it to either curry approval from you, or to prove you wrong.
2. An immediate testing tool is the 5-question exercise. If they do it, that is a
Posted on December 14, 2016 by University
in Evolution Modalities |
Tagged apple , apples , Approval , argue , argument , article , attention , attitude , back to the future , being , beingness , benefits , change , changes , changing , character , chiropractors , consciousness , constant , conversation , cost , dna , doctors , doesn't work , doing the work , eager , effect , energy , energy healers , Exercise , feedback , fix , fruit , fruits , future , hardest thing , head , heal , helping , house , humanity , hungarian , it , kind , level , level of consciousness , life , love , lower , lower your vibration , makes sense , marriage , medicine , mistakes , Money , movie , natural , negative , negative people , original , original article , parents , past , people , person , placebo , placebo effect , plant , positive , positive thinking , positive thoughts , process , promise , question , results , right , root , root level , seed , seed level , self , self-improvement | vibration , self-interest , sense , shows , sign , stage , students , stuff , surprise , symptoms , therefore , thinking , thoughts , tool , tree , trees , unless , Vibration , willing , words , work , working , works , wrong , yesterday , your attitude , your money |
Wallace D. Wattles said that. One Hundred years ago. ((To get access on my site to the book The Science of Getting Rich (audiobook and pdf) you either need to be in the 67 steps, be a paying subscriber, or be registered in the What’s the Truth About you webinars
or if you want to have access to a lot of good stuff, go here ))
Of course he was mistaken in 70% of what he said; your thoughts do not create, etc. and yet. The 30% is worth its weight in gold.
I have been practicing being on the creativ
Posted on December 3, 2016 by University
in Evolution Modalities |
Tagged 67 steps , access , area , article , being , best thing , big picture , book , building , business , cause , clients , coach , coaching , coaching program , competition , competitive plane , cost , creative , creative plane , distinctions , energy , energy practitioner , false , fast , fear , finally , fools , free , full time , future , gold , good stuff , good thing , greed , hasty , head , hope , hurry , idea , ideas , income , internet , it , lesson , life , loving , marketer , marketing , matter , mistake , mistakes , no matter what , object , original , original article , pdf , people , picture , place , principles , program , reason , reclaim , results , right , science , shiny object , should , site , steam , step , steps , students , stuff , technique , the science of getting rich , there is no hurry on the creative plane , thinking , thoughts , thousands , thousands of dollars , time , time in my life , trust , truth , truth about , trying , unless , view , vision , Wallace D Wattles , wannabe , wattles , webinars , weight , work , , yourvibration , |
As people round the steps in the 67 step coaching program, as they begin the second cycle, they start to see new things, or they keep on seeing the same things…
Some see the things from memory. Comparing. “Knowing”. And some from actually seeing.
Step two (in the 67 steps) introduces the idea of the Selfish Gene, evolutionary stable strategy.
This point is where people diverge: one in the direction of the Tree of Knowledge, the other in the direction of the Tree of Life.
It is really amazing to watch them go, unaware of the other path.
I will illustrate this with their own words… but before I do, I want to set down some principles:
Posted on December 2, 2016 by University
in Raise Your Vibration |
Tagged 67 steps , access , action , actions , adult , allowing , amazing , article , attachments , attention , attitude , attitudes , audio , aware , being , belly , birth , black , blood , body , book , books , bottom , Brain , building , capacities , cell , cell hydration , certain way , change , changes , child , clear , coaching , coaching program , collage , comfortable , companion , comparing , conspiracy , correction , cost , culture , current , danger , date , day , degree , depending , desire , direction , disaster , doing the work , drumroll , effect , effort , emotional , evil , evolution , experiment , face , failure , fake , false , family , fast , fear , fear of failure , feedback , filter , filters , free , friends , gene , good stuff , growing , growth , guess , hardest thing , health , Heart , hope , human , humanity , humans , I have time , idea , Imagination , individuals , inside , instruction , intelligence , introduction , issue , it , journey , keep , Knowledge , language , leap , learning , level , life , lifetime , link , lying , machine , making , mean , meaning , measurements , media , millionaire , Money , mother , muscle , muscle test , nature , new things , new ways , news , number , opportunity , original , original article , participants , past , path , paths , people , person , perspective , photograph , play , PM , point , politicians , posts , pretending , principles , process , program , promised , questions , raise , Raise Your Vibration , reading , real , reality , relationship , right , root , science , security , seeing , self , self-improvement | vibration , selfish , series , session , set , Simple , smart , society , soul , soul correction , sound , space , speaking , species , spell , spiritual , spiritual capacities , starting , starting point , step , step at a time , steps , student , stuff , teaching , television , territory , test , the invisible , the science of getting rich , the selfish gene , things , thinking , thoughts , time , to.learn , tree , tree of knowledge , tree of life , truth , truth about , tuesday , understanding , unknown , unless , unwilling , Vibration , view , Wallace D Wattles , watch , wattles , webinars , willing , words , work , working , world , world view , wrong , , your machine , your soul , your soul correction , yourvibration , |
If you eat all/most of the foods on your food list in the right proportion,
don’t eat any of the foods that are not on your food list
eat only when you have an appetite
don’t eat more than what your stomach can handle at a time
sleep right at regular hours
drink only fully energized water
take your vitamins and minerals that you have discussed with me…
drink your Energized Water®
…and you don’t feel fantastic, and your numbers are not up to par…
then you are doing something wrong.
When something isn’t working, there is something that you don’t know
So what can be the
Posted on November 30, 2016 by University
in Evolution Modalities |
Tagged action , article , b.s , balance , being , body , building , carbs , challenge , change , changing , circumstances , client , coffee , coffee filter , comfortable , cost , courses , current , days of power , death , desire , diet , doctor , documentary , eating , effect , element , energies , energized , energized water , energy , environment , ess , exercises , experiment , fear , filter , follow , food , forcing , fructose , fruits , funny , gene , genetic , get better , growth , happy , heal , healing , health , herbs , Hopeless , humanity , idea , income , infusion , instructions , intelligence , interesting , it , Knowledge , lack , lamb , let go , lie , life , list , lol , lower , lying , making , mean , medication , mentor , mindset , mistakes , mood , muscle , muscle test , night , nuts , original , original article , pain , panic , people , perfect , place , plateau , point , positive , power , prayer , problem , process , proof , proportion , raise , real , reason , regimen , regularity , remember , research , right , seeing , self-improvement | vibration , selfish , session , share , sick , sign , sleep , solution , spirits , spite , stomach , stuff , teeth , test , the selfish gene , things , thinking , time , tough , toxic , training , treat , truth , vegetables , Vibration , video , view , virus , water , weakling , weakness , weight , working , wrong , year , you don't know |
It’s worth it… Is it worth it? It’s not worth it… It is all about whether it is worth it for you or not…
If you are supposed to have it already, then working for it doesn’t look like it’s worth it.
And this is the problem, an epidemic, of today. I have students in all the time zones of the world… and they all share this problem.
Memes, thought forms, prevalent teachings suggest that
1. you are already happy, worthy, successful, precious, special, blah blah blah
2. that you already have everything or supposed to to be who you want to be
3. that you should look within for all the answers
4. that the Universe is friendly to you
and on and on and on, endless flow of half-truth, endless flow of decepti
Posted on November 29, 2016 by University
in Raise Your Vibration |
Tagged 67 steps , acting , action , actions , activate , affirmations , allowing , answers , areas , article , attachments , attitude , awake , being , being stuck , birth , blah blah blah , body , books , Brain , Brain Damage , building , capacities , cause , cell , cell hydration , change , choose , clarity , coaching , commands , connected , connections , consciousness , core , core issue , correction , crazy , date , day , delusional , depending , doctor , doctors , effort , emotional , Exercise , experiment , eyes , feedback , finish what you start , fire , fireplace , fluke , foresight , form , free , functions , gap , garbage , happy , health , heat , history , hope , instruction , intelligence , intention , issue , it , job , keep , kind , Knowledge , level , lies , life , light , living , lol , long time , lost , lower , lying , machine , major , making , marketing , matter , measurements , mind , missing , mistake , mode , negative , night , number , nutrients , one thing , original , original article , page , partner , parts , people , person , physics , picture , point , positive , practice , price , problem , question , questions , quit , quotes , reading , real , reality , relationship , remedy , remember , results , right , root , rough , rule , rules , scrambling , seeing , self , self-improvement | vibration , shall , share , sharing , short , should , silent , Silent Partner , site , situation , society , sophie , soul , soul correction , sound , spiritual , spiritual capacities , starting , starting point , statements , step , steps , stingy , stuck , student , students , stuff , stupid , teachings , the light , the problem , the universe , therefore , things , thinking , thought , time , to.learn , trust , truth , Undeserving , universe , Vibration , Wanting , warmth , willing , wishful thinking , work , working , works , world , wrong , you don't know , your machine , your soul , your soul correction |
This is a brilliant article… except one thing: I see this same thing across the board, across all ages. 20 to 70…
So this article is probably written about you, accurately, if you are not happy when you are not happy.
Why Generation Y Yuppies, and you! Are Unhappy ((By Tim Urban))
Say hi to Lucy.
Lucy is part of Generation Y, the generation born between the late 1970s and the mid 1990s.  She’s also part of a yuppie culture that makes up a large portion of Gen Y.
I have a term for yuppies in the Gen Y age group—I call them Gen Y Protagonists & Special Yuppies, or GYPSYs.  A GYPSY is a unique brand of yuppie, one who thinks they are the main character of a very special story.
So Lucy’s enjo
Posted on November 28, 2016 by University
in Raise Your Vibration |
Tagged ability , accept , accepting , advice , alone , ambition , ambitious , american , answers , arrogance , article , baby , based , being , belief , believe , blood , bottom , bring , broadcast , building , career , character , choosing , classes , clear , comparison , concept , context , country , crowd , culture , current , delusion , delusional , depression , direction , dream , effort , english , envy , esteem , exercises , existence , expectation , expectations , facebook , fact , feedback , feeling , finding , flowers , frustration , fulfilled , fulfilling , funny , generation , glorious , goal , goals , green , group , hand , happy , high , high school , identity , image , individual , insufferable , interview , issue , it , job , justification , kids , kind , lack , lead , leaves , led , level , life , life experience , line , long time , main character , matter , mean , media , misery , modern , negative , one thing , open , opportunity , original , original article , parents , passion , path , people , perceptions , person , personal , phenomenon , place , play , point , positive , possibility , present , problem , professor , prosperity , question , real , reality , reason , relationships , resistance , respect , right , school , security , self , sense , shows , Simple , situation , social , source , story , style , success , superiority , the problem , thinking , time , tool , truth , University , version , view , weird , weird thing , work , working , world , Worse |
Remember T. Harv Eker and his famous saying: How you do anything is how you do everything!?
This article is about that “how”… the all important, life defining, success defining how.
In this article, you and your life is considered a “business”… thriving or failing or stagnating.
If you are human your mind suggests that you already know everything…
If you think you know everything… and I bet you do… consider that in the “how” department, how you know, how you do, how you react, you are a babe in the woods… You know next to nothing.
Why is this?
Because, for some misguided reason, you consider learning a “what” activity…
Posted on November 28, 2016 by University
in Raise Your Vibration |
Tagged 67 steps , accomplishment , alternatively , answer , article , articles , asking questions , attention , attitude , aware , being , believe , billionaire , blind , book , bridge , bring , business , chance , change , changing , child , choice , choices , coaching , coaching program , Comment , commitment , day , decision , devices , diamonds , energized , eyes , fact , famous , follow , form , game , Glimpses , good enough , happy , hey , high , home , Hopeless , human , idea , information , interesting , it , job , keep , kitten , Knowledge , language , learning , life , long time , lower , making , matters , measure your vibration , millionaires , millions , mind , missing , morning , nature , night , number , obligation , open , original , original article , parents , people , positive , post , practice , priorities , problem , program , promises , proof , questions , quit , quote , reading , real , reason , remember , results , right , rose , running , school , seeing , self-improvement | vibration , set , should , Simple , sin , smart , step , steps , stuck , student , students , success , t. harv eker , tai lopez , Thank , therefore , things , thinking , time , to.learn , ton , translators , trust , trying , type , Useless , Vibration , vocabulary , Wanting , water , weak , web , weight , words , work , world , wrong , you already know |
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine~Alan Turing
I watched yet another movie about Alan Turing and how his machine won the war against Nazi Germany.
I would not be around without him. And you would live a totally different life… The book (and the Amazon series) The Man in the High Castle approximates…
I am in awe. With what he did, with who he was, with genius winning, with goodness winning.
Posted on November 26, 2016 by University
in Raise Your Vibration |
Tagged ability , ACT , action , activate , alone , amazon , animal , answers , appreciation , article , asking questions , avoiding , beautiful , behold , being , believe , bible , big picture , Blessings , blind , book , breath , bridge , capacities , caring , castle , charity , choice , christian , church , circumstances , conflict , consequences , context , conversation , cost , creator , culture , curiosity , dark side , day , dependence , desire , desire for the self alone , disciples , discipline , divine , divinity , doubt , dynamic , economy , effect , einstein , email , emotion , emotional , energy , essence , event , evil , evolution , example , eyes , face , fact , fear , feeling , feet , fighting , fixing , follow , gene , generous , genetic , genius , german , germany , god , Goodness , Grace , gratitude , group , groups , growing , growth , havoc , Heart , hearts , hellbent , high , higher authority , holidays , human , human being , humanity , Imagination , individual , individuals , inside , instructions , interpretation , issue , it , jesus , justice , Kabbalah , keep , kind , letters , level , lie , life , light , lines , living , love , machine , major , manifestation , matter , matters , meaning , meditation , moment , moral , movement , movie , names , nature , negative , negative people , Negative Thoughts , new age , open , Opponent , ordinary , original , original article , pain , participant , people , persistence , person , personal , phase , physical , physical manifestation , picture , place , positive , positive thinking , possibilities , power , present , pretense , price , pride , prison , process , proof , prophet , question , questions , quotes , real , reason , religion , research , resistance , right , risk , roy williams , rule , sadness , science , self , selfish , sense , series , share , sheep , should , signature , Simple , sin , skin , social , soul , source , speaking , species , spending , spiritual , standing , stranger , struggle , students , sucker , survival , teacher , teachings , the dark side , The Opponent , the self , the selfish gene , things , thinking , thoughts , thumb , time , tree , unless , values , vision , voice , watch , weapon , what happened , wholeness , winds , winning , word , words , working , world , Worse |
The hardest pull to resist is the pull of your “how” nature. Or what type of activity do you rush into… headfirst… That activity can be four kinds… four conative types, four types of conative actions… reading, planning, action, and execution.
Scientific name for your “how” is Conation. It is innate, and it is NOT changeable.
Regardless… I have been looking at taming my own… I find that it is not tamable. It is what it is.
But I have come to suspect that what you do after you do what your Conation makes you do is when the magic happens.
You see, all people belong to three types. People who make things happen, people who watch things happen, and people who wonder what happened. But
Posted on November 24, 2016 by University
in Raise Your Vibration |
Tagged ability , ACT , action , actions , alive , allowing , ambition , architect , areas , article , attitude , aware , balance , beginning , being , Blueprint , body , building , business , case , chance , character , choose , clear , clue , colleagues , cone of vision , context , control , david , david hawkins , demonstration , depressed , direction , disgust , distinction , doers , earth , effect , effort , energies , energy , evolution , examples , excitement , eyes , failure , false , family , field , follow , force , fuzzy , good idea , good life , guess , guy , hand , Happiness , hawkins , head , health , house , humanity , idea , ideas , important things , inside , instances , it , keep , Knowledge , language , leap , legs , level , lie , life , living , logarithmic scale , lol , love , machine , magic , makes sense , making , manner , matter , meaning , Meaningless , mind , mode , mood , multiple , names , nature , new things , nothing wrong , number , observer , open , original , original article , path , people , person , personality , planning , point , PPS , puny , question , questions , quitting , quote , reactive , reading , reality , relationship , research , results , right , rush , scale , science , secret , self-improvement | vibration , sense , site , smart , smart people , society , sound , species , starting , starting point , steam , step , steps , stories , stupid , success , surface , surrender , sustain , table , teaching , tendency , test , thanksgiving , the good life , the observer , therefore , things , thinking , thumb , time , tough , training , type , types , underachiever , understanding , unless , unsuccessful experiments , Useless , Vibration , videos , vision , watch , what happened , wide , wide cone , words , work , works , worry , wrong , you don't know , your machine |