What are the symptoms of an activated DNA capacity? Like The Sight, aka the Third Sight.

It's not going to be easy, but it's going to be worth itHow will you know if the DNA capacity of seeing the consequences of your actions, aka The Sight is working for you or not?

I just realized, this very minutes, that the language of the effect of the capacity used is misleading.

When I say: Let’s look: you look with your eyes, even if I tell you to look with your Self… your Consciousness.

When I say: see the consequences of your actions: you’ll try to see something with your eyes, right?

But here is the problem: they eyes are an outward organ, only a

The capacity of the sight… that gives people like Warren Buffet the edge

warren buffet has the capacity to see the consequences of his actions openWarning: as always, the most important things are explained in the footer part of the post! Don’t miss them!

Some weeks are like this: I do something, see something, write about something important, and on Monday Roy Williams’ Monday Morning Memo echoes it.

This is the case this week… You know when you manage to do something whose time has come? Gratifying, rewarding, like the Universe nods in your direction. ((Roy Wil

Connecting to Source your way

imagination... arroganceI think we humans are alternating between two extremes: being slavish, and being arrogant.

Either extreme is detrimental to your growth as a person.

I have been in an email exchange with a woman who tries to connect every day, and then describes to me her experience and asks me to muscle test if she connected or not.

I comply, but even from her experience it is clear to me that she imagined how it could feel to connect to something… but the experience of connecting to Source is not even similar to what she describes.

She promised to actually do it with me and with the video.

Your invisible heroes… a guidance from fiction: books, movies, plays

who were your heroes?I read today’s Monday Morning Memo, as usual, and it made me look. (())

Who are my favorite fictional characters?

At first I looked at the ones that weren’t supposed to survive, weren’t supposed to succeed, because they paralleled my own life experience.

But their influence on the multitudes was minimal, because they were about themselves, or maybe about one other person… and I saw that I have grown beyond that path. I have grown beyond the little Chinese boy’s character, my favorite as a child. I have grown beyond the deaf and bl

More on stupid/smart

23979570Every success proves nothing. It can be luck, it can be accident, it can be smarts… you can’t be sure.

I am an architect by trade… and all my life as an architect I was wondering if I was talented. I could never say for certain. I could win contests, I could win awards, talent is not proven by them.

Finally I gave it up and sighed a sigh of freedom and relief.

You are the same way about being smart… or whatever is your issue. (Some people have an issue with being liked, loved, valued, respected, etc. But I think everyone has some issue with smarts. I could be wrong…)

My recommendation is that you consider the Forrest Gump saying: Stup

Spiritual Practice: Neutralize being ineffective and unhappy, neutralize overwhelm

looking about, multitasking, overwhelmAs I have said before: the ONLY way to be happy is to accept what is, exactly. Accept how it is. And also accept how it isn’t.

Now, this second statement, accept reality how it isn’t is the topic of this article, the essence of this spiritual practice. Accept that it is what it is, not something else, that may look better, faster, easier…

One of the symptoms of not accepting reality the way it isn’t, is overwhelm… another one is misery… Want to know more?

Now, before I continue, I want to explain something:

One size does not fit all… or How do you know what spiritual practices to cultivate to get the most results?

One-hand-slapping-the-waterSome people want me to give them answers, give them a spiritual practice for growth, to raise their vibration, without allowing me to know anything much about them.

I am an empath, but that doesn’t mean I know your date of birth, or I know your education, your job, your aspirations, your ethnicity…

These are important, because one size doesn’t fit all.

The reason you get more from me than from buying a course, because I give you answers that are a perfect fit to who you are.

But of course the “egalitarian” culture of today… that we are all the same, needing the same food, the s

True or false: “You have to believe that you can succeed to succeed”?

#1 lie that makes you sheepPossibility-Thinking-BSThe teaching that you have to believe that you can succeed is utter b.s.

This teaching has been the secret to more failures than anything else I can find.

  1. You see, you cannot force yourself to believe anything that you don’t believe.
  2. <

Vibrational Review: 5 stages of Consciousness Evolution by Vishen Lakhiani

Vishen Lakhiani becoming limitlessVishen Lakhiani is the owner of MindValley… a huge company promoting gurus and their programs.

The original article was to promote his webinar workshop on becoming limitless, on October 13. The webinar’s job is to promote their continuity, i.e. subscription to the $29 a month Mindvalley Academy.

Because so many people are interested in becoming limitless, or at least happier, I am going to review the article… I can’t review the webinar, or something I haven’t happened… but I can look at the person and his work any time, and make bold assertions to their resu

If a tree falls in the forest: does it make a sound?

One of the horrible things I experience, often, is that people never ask: “why should I care?”

Why that is horrible? Why that is disappointing?

Because that question would show that the pilot light of intelligence is not completely extinguished in you. You have never asked that question? Now you know what it means.

Back in 1977, shortly after I won my first architectural competition, and therefore was wealthier than most people I knew, I fell ill: my sinuses put me to bed with high-high fever. I could not sleep 24/7, so I turned to a book, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World ((Some quotes:
Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him.

An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex.

Maybe this world is another planet’s hell.

)). At some point I had a revelation: The society I lived in, the ideology I believed in, was beautiful, except that it worked for no one, no person living in it. It