Confession time: I have a very small window where I experience being physically well. Or emotionally well. I am not very sturdy. I have a tiny tolerance to heat, a small tolerance to cold, a small tolerance to running on empty. Especially painful and unsettling for me is running on empty… while you, while most […]
Emotional Intelligence: How learning what feelings are, what feelings do will help you live life as a human, instead of a puppet

Yesterday I was on the phone with a client.
Her soul correction is Fear/Fearless. In the conversation it was becoming obvious that she had read the book “Feelings”. I have been so excited about. So the conversation was on a more even footing that most of my conversations: she has been paying attention and recognizing at least some of the dynamics the feelings have, and has been managing her fear quite well.
Buy the book “Feelings” Show proof of purchase for a pdf… you’ll need it. It’s hard to see the illustration on Kindle…
You have always wanted to get out of your head. You tried meditation
No energy? Likely you are Twitchy Little Bastard… A Marshmallow eater…

This morning I am running on fumes… (or how to increase your Twitchy Little Bastard ((TLB – Twitchy Little Bastard; a person who is counterproductively anxious for results. Who has no ability to control his urges…)) score)
Some activities fill you up, some activities drain your energy.
One of the most important capacities one can develop is to tell the difference… and start managing one’s energy.
Sometimes you give your energy to another and get back nothing… Maybe money, but money does not fill you up. Money does not give you energy. It may buy groceries… but even groceries only give you physical energy.
The depletion is of psychic energy, of spiritual energy, of intellectual energy.
Infantile will to power… or how you dampen the fire that motivates you to grow

I came up with the expression “top 10% of your mind” many years ago, when I was teaching the What Color of Your Parachute workshop.
It is said that you only use 5% of your brain. But, of course, you use all of your brain most of the time, but not for something worth using a precision instrument even the stupidest person possesses.
The truth is that 99% of your usage, what you see, what you say about what you feel, what you think is not new, and not accurate and not worth thinking, because it leads to no benefit.
I have students that make this phenomenon very easy to observe.
If you put all their posts together, take out the repetitive stuff, you end up with
If I asked you: how many percentage of what I say or write in my articles actually lands accurately in you? Books? Lectures?

If I asked you: how many percentage of what I say or write in my articles actually lands, accurately in you?
Experiments and tests show that if you have the right attitude, high level of interest, and you are coherent: you can receive as much as 7% of what is being said. Word based communication.
Re-listening or re-reading the same thing won’t improve the percentage much. Why? Because what you think is there replaces, effectively, what you hear or read the second time.
This is what is normal.
What is also normal is to believe that you got 100%. And for the speaker to think that you can get more than 7%.
Do you know what no feelings mean? You are dead…

Do you know what no feelings mean? You are dead… While you are alive life is ups and downs, good feelings, bad feelings, neutral feelings.
The fact that you can’t feel your feelings doesn’t mean they aren’t there…
Yesterday was a weird day.
First I fell victim to taking things personally. I’d like to say it was funny, but taking things personally is not fun.
The whole day passed without a single email, and also without most of my regular clients and students visiting my site. I was checking.
Late afternoon I started to contemplate that I have lost my customers.
Then I look
The Upside of Your Dark Side… How your shadow is your biggest gift

I am reading the book “The Upside Of Your Dark Side”.
It’s about living a full life, being a full person, being fully in your power.
This is not the norm of the day… We have become comfortable, and comfort means the elimination of discomfort… duh.
It sounds wonderful, but it isn’t.
It leads to an “un-full” life, where you have no tolerance, no use, no place, no room for unpleasant things, unpleasant thoughts, unpleasant feeling.
Are you tough enough to deserve the good life?

I am continuing the inquiry into curiosity… the intrinsic motivation of humans… how you lost it, how to rekindle it… and what might be in the way.
I am going to use myself, because curiosity is so rare, and so relatively unconscious, unobserved, and unacknowledged, that I don’t even know who I could ask about their own experience… Let’s hope that this state of affairs will change soon.
The hectic, information driven culture in which we live, where everyone considers themselves eligible to post
More health knowledge… I’ve learned the hard way

You eat what you are, you crave what you are
Every plant, every animal contains toxins that it developed to protect itself from being eaten and extinguished… The selfish gene makes sure of that.
Your body, ancestrally, developed a liking and a tolerance to certain foods… that allowed it to survive.
It takes a long time for a group of people to create an ess with certain foods.
What makes the Japanese thrive may kill you… What an Irish can subsist on will kill you… What a Kenyan runner thrives on is murder for you… or can be.
With grocery stores carrying foods from so many continents you are not safe and you don’t thrive.
How many individuals do you know that thrive? I don
How to grow some balls… at least seemingly

As I have mentioned, I have signed up to an expensive course that teaches a marketing method to pick the right people that are a good match for what I am attempting to do: take a group of people to the level of human being, the next evolutionary level for the species.
Signing up opened a can of worms.
Several daily emails, and a slew of offers, all beyond my need, all beyond my budget.
Today, a week into this campaign, the fifteenth video, the offer is 20 thousand dollars… and I am ready to throw in the towel.
It is like being in a restaurant,
…asking for a bowl of soup… That is what I wanted, that is what I can afford.
But they don’t le