The holographic learning method in action

The best method of learning is not linear. It is holographic. Your picture always contains the whole picture… even if it is still fuzzy… so the context is already set. You know where and how things fit in the big picture. Miko brings up a topic that can lead us to some useful learning practices, […]

Want to learn how to live a frustration free life?

In this article, with your permission, I’ll teach you a little bit of real thinking. How to think. A thinking move. So you can get more aware, and have a lot better life, a lot better results in life than without having some ability to think… or specifically this ability I’ll teach. OK, the topic […]

Why don’t you trust? Why can’t you trust?

This is a hypothesis that will need to be confirmed with tests. I could also say: it’s a hunch.

And my hunch is that the less trustworthy you are the less trust you have. Period.

Hah, but trust, as a verb, is transitive.

So let’s see what COULD you trust, if you did:

  • 1. trust in yourself… aka self-trust.Trusting that what comes out of your mouth is the truth
    Trusting that you can
    Trusting that you will
    Trusting that your “beliefs” are accurate
    Trusting that you can meet your own expectations of yourself
    Trusting that you can meet other people’s expectations
    and probably a lot more.We’ll talk about “beliefs” that everyone seems to know what they me

Bits and pieces – Five shorter articles on your map of reality

Curiosity… Hunger… appetite… sexual desire…are you killing them all?

Your parents, your teachers told you: don’t eat candy, don’t eat cookies before dinner: it will kill your appetite.

The five “hardware-type” needs, the needs for energy supply, information, safety, reproduction and group are guided by feelings… all a lot like hunger.

Hunger can be fulfilled with empty calories or good, nourishing food.

The need, the second most vital need is the hunger for information. We also call that curiosity. You can fulfill it, just like the first one, with junk.

Curiosity is one of the main factors when one wants to know how far someone can rise in anything… job, knowing, vibration.

If you fill

The newest measure to predict your future success… this one is like a ladder

are you a twitchy little bastard?Every human is moved by their emotions and feelings plus thoughts: words, ideas, concepts. In this order.

The motive power, the stimulus to act comes from the feelings.

The words, ideas, concepts only modify them, or direct the actions.

Without the thoughts, the words, the ideas, every human would act the same way. They would have to.

So the main difference between people is really the words, the ideas, what they say about what they feel.

One extreme is the “Twitchy Little Bastard”, while the other extreme is Jeff Bezos.

I trust, even though trust is my soul correction. In many areas I am still short on trust, but yet: I do trust.

I never have a topic I plan to wri

Non-physical pain… or pleasant feelings… explains nearly everything you do

This article is dangerously personal…

Last night I watched a movie, Children of Men.

I remember seeing the trailer 10 years ago when it was a new movie. Then I never heard of it again until yesterday. That it is an accurate showing of where we are heading and where we already are.

I didn’t have anything else to go on, so I watched the movie almost till the last five-ten minutes not knowing what I was “supposed” to feel.

The reality it shows is horrid. Not supported with any emotions, any feelings whatsoever. So it made no sense to me. Why are these people killing each other?

But in the end the movie showed something it was worth watching for: men bowing to, in wonder, being uplifted b

Just asking the question… What is it I don’t know? What is it I don’t see? will guide you

Preamble: You can follow me down the rabbit hole. You can do it… The only question is: will you think it worth your while?

I know I have said it before, lots of times, but I will say it again, but slightly differently this time. So bear with me: the reward will be unbelievable!

When something isn’t working, there is something you don’t know.

Said in another way:

When something isn’t working (the way you expected it to work), you can be sure that there is something you don’t know or can’t see.

Now, when you hear this sentence, you will never think about your mindset. You’ll never think that your thinking is wrong. That your life philosophy is wrong.

There are millions of ways to be stuck: people who move are all alike

all-happy-familiesThis is paraphrasing the famous Leo Tolstoy quote: “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” This is the Anna Karenina principle… As all principles do, it applies to many, maybe even all areas of life. A principle is the same as a distinction… I say.

But truth is, if you know distinctions, if you know patterns, there are only about 50 different ways to get stuck… and your way is just one or two of those.

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How is living is like writing a book? Good writing is re-writing…

writers-gif2Let’s see how you write… and then we’ll see how you live your life.

Most people first-draft-people… they never re-write. Others carefully craft the format, but don’t touch what they said… the content. And then others wait until they think they have something profound to say… and that is rarely.

All good writing is re-writing. Both writing literature and “writing”, crafting your life, your story. ((Most people never re-write. They present their first draft in everything. A real good secret of how not to amount to anything or much)) If you are not willing to write badly you are not willing to write well either. And if you can’t see that your first draft is bad, you will never look at it again.

In this arti

Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something

discover-the-oceanWith some movies I ponder for years why I liked it.

One of these movies is The Princess Bride. Why do I love The Princess Bride? Why do I watch it a few times a year, especially when my energy level is low?

Because, for me, the movie is about persistence. It’s about working towards something remote and maybe even impossible, and yet…

There are a ton of amazing quotable sayings in that movie… here is one:

Buttercup: You mock my pain!
Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.

I like everything in the movie, but get especially energized by the Spaniard. Afte