Your sphere of influence and your vibration: what is the connection?

they sealed their friendship with bloodPeople do all kinds of things to raise their vibration. But one of the most important things they could do, they don’t even think of it.

I had a conversation with a student last night, and finally “diagnosed” why her vibration isn’t changing much in spite of all the calls she comes to.

And then I opened an email ((Hi

Most people decided to do nothing today. Nothing.

Some thought about doing something but then decided to actually do nothing.

You say: Sam, lots of people went to work today. Um…yea, I know. That’s actually doing something for someone else – their boss.

I promote a message of entrepreneurship. Monetizing your passion. Living every day likes it’s Saturday.


Yet another article about your ignorance in the area of health and fitness… What is killing you?


If I wanted to be popular, I would write about your weight, your money, or your love life.

But being popular is very overrated: it means being exposed to the dumb, ignorant, curiosity seeker… and thank you, I am not interested.

So I hope this article reaches at least a handful who isn’t that…

I like to believe that I am well rounded, inquisitive, curious, and well read…

And today I had to find out that in some regards I am as clueless and ignorant as most people.

I stumbled upon a movie, Consumed, that shook me to my core…

That was a 10-minute little part… but please…Watch the full 84 minute documentary… it is well worth your tim

Why you feel how you feel and what can you do about it?

doggie-languageMost people live in a constant “this is not right… this is not where I am supposed to be, this is not how I am supposed to be, this is not what I am supposed to do” jerky place.

It seems inevitable, it feels bad, and all of it is based on delusions, pretenses, and lies.

Obviously you can’t see your delusions. That is your “reality”.

  • But… if you don’t feel good, if you don’t see clear, if you don’t have a 360 degree view of the world in most issues… they you can be sure you have delusions.
  • and… if you don’t go for growth, learning, profound well-being, fulfillment, expertise… they you can be sure your life and actions are based on delusions.

Your ignorance in health matters… even if you are an MD

foodcombiningchartNo advice, no course, no program can give you everything…

… including my health consultation… unless…

What is this unless, that has been showing up in articles, for the past few days?

Unless you have a basic and accurate understanding of life, of health, or physics, of chemistry, of biology, of spirituality, no program is going to do much for you.

This is the main reason most programs have only a 1-10% results rate… Not because the programs a bad, but because the participants don’t know much of anything.

And I am talking about you.

Even if you are a reader… you don’t understand what you read, unless you have a basic foundation to understand what you are reading, to build a

Getting things done… fast (12-week Mastery review)

SuperheroIn this article I will share with you a period of my life when things happened with a lightening fast speed, and I made those things happen.

It was 1988, and around February I got fired. It was my fault… I forgot that I was supposed to lie to cover for my employer… and I let the truth slip. So I got fired.

Then I got really depressed. I got thrown out of a program I loved and was really good at in Landmark…

I had no income, no hopes for income, and I was depressed.

I started to go to a 12-step program and with a little help, ok, a lot of pushing, I did start to look what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, now that everything I knew was closed for me.

I read the “What Color is Your Parac

Vibrational Review: Mindvalley Academy, WildFit, Eric Edmeades Review


This is a long article… about WildFit… Eric Edmeades program that is opening on September 15 on MindValley… and it answers the question: should you do it? Is it any good? What is the truth value? What is the lie value? Worth reading… I think.

I am still on Mindvalley’s mailing list under a fake name… and from time to time I even open their email… like yesterday.

It seems that they are doing a new class with Eric Edmeades and his Wildfit program.

So I watched some of the videos, signed up to a pre-recorded webinar, and diligently muscle tested… because the claims are so seductive and so believable, that I needed to keep myself from being sucked in.

Eric Edmeades i

Stuck in an ess? Not a good place? how to create a new ess that is more conducive to health, wealth, and fulfillment?

Primates-Playing-Poker-by-Nathaniel-GoldOK, let’s start at the beginning. What is an ess… right? lol. Evolutionary Stable Strategy… ess.

Unless you are my student, or you’ve read about the selfish gene, you don’t know what I am talking about.

It’s about evolution. It’s about the genes that use life-forms as vehicles for their own purposes.

A pigeon is a life form, and it is a vehicle for its selfish genes.
A worm is also a life form, and so is an elephant.
Human is also a life-form, the only one, so far, that is in conflict with the selfish gene.

With the new phenomenon: consciousness, humans are at odds with their own genes… the “vehicle” is revolting again

Dr. Mercola and his site… a vibrational review

Dr._Mercola truth value, vibration, arroganceDr. Mercola:

  • his vibration 170
  • his overall IQ including his intelligence 70 (average)
  • the number of spiritual capacities he has 8. A practicing doctor needs 20 capacities… but he is a teacher instead.
  • his soul correction (his machine) DOB July 8, 1954. His soul correction is the same as mind: Forget Thyself.
  • does he have attachments? no
  • the level of his health 30%
  • the level of his cell hydration 7%

The most important thing you want to get from these numbers:

How do you know if you are growing, or just imagining that you are?

Unsightly-weedsMy homework for the course I am in is to read 200 testimonials to a book in my niche.

My niche is self growth, becoming a human being, being all you can become…

A little vague, I am afraid. But being able to pinpoint what attracts people that say they want to grow is what I want to do… so I have been reading those darned testimonials.

I’ve chosen to only track testimonials to book I have read myself:

Frequency by Penney Peirce (personal vibration: 130)… Truth value 3% and E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout (personal vibration: 170) truth value between 5 and 8 percent, depending where the reade

Truth value… let’s talk about truth value

beauty-vs-intelligence-23-638During the summer of 1966 I ran into a girl I knew from elementary school. Turns out she applied and was accepted to the same school I was going to start in that September.

We were having a chat. I remember thinking to myself: Compared to her I know everything… why am I going to school?

We both graduated. I am sure she still thinks she knows everything. My experience is that I know less and less as time goes by.

Whether you can identify with my 19 year old person, or my 69 year old person, and to what degree will be important, so jot it down.

This article will attempt to answer truth value.

What is the opposite of truth? I have no idea.