Why do you choose the shotgun method that doesn’t work, while you know that the process method works?

I am reading this guy’s book. I say “this guy” because I don’t want you to read it. I want you to read my blog…

In a lot of ways he and I teach the same things, even though we use different words. He uses words from psychology and woowoo science… I use words like Amish Horse Training Method, Memes, Marker Feelings.

He is a money/marketing man. His vibration is 200, his accurate vocabulary is 600.

He is proof that you don’t have to have a very high vibration to be able to look from high enough so you see enough to make millions and even teach others to make millions.

He talks about beliefs, core beliefs, and subconscious… terms of psychology, but not the same way as other

Forget superbugs… worry about supermemes!

We live in a culture where we are supposed to live at others’ convenience. Where we are all supposed to dance to the same tune, march to the same drummer. Get excited about the weekend, even more excited about holidays. Want to be with our families, eat a big meal, and complain about indigestion afterwards. […]

Who you are can be expressed in a sentence… what’s your sentence?

Watch this video. The first part, where he brings examples of the sentence: if you tune in deep inside you, you may be able to come up with your sentence, and then you can design your life around it. That … Continue reading “Who you are can be expressed in a sentence… what’s your sentence?” […]

How to Develop Emotional Intelligence… what do psychologists say?

This article shows the state of official science for emotional intelligence.

Psychologists are not interested in the groundbreaking work developed in the books Feelings and Words…

Although when you can already recognize your feelings,  their inner dynamics, what they want you to do, what trap you my have stepped, unwittingly, the advice below is quite good.

Until then I don’t think it’s useful… Or may not be useful.

Even though emotional intelligence is really important to live a good life, to have good relationships, to get things done, to be well… for all of life.

OK, here is the article from Wikihow

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to tap into your emotions and use them to make your life better. Being in touch with your feelings allows you to manage stress levels and communicate effectively with other people, two skills that enhance your life both personally and professionally. Unlike IQ, which remains constant throughout your life,

Heroism vs. incremental process: choosing will choose your life for you

you are fine until it is time to bring in the troopsI just read an article on our mindset, collective mindset, where you wait until something goes really wrong and then you seek out help. It’s here in pdf form… for your convenience. incremental-medicine

This is the mindset in every area of your life, health, wealth, love, and happiness.

Anything that doesn’t require drama, heroism, anything that is not over the top is ignored, poopooed, looked down upon. In every area of life. By you, and by “them”. You dream of being a billionaire while your bills aren’t paid. You dream of a p

Tell me your problems and I’ll know the size of your life…

offended-3When your life is about you… when your life is about others… when your life is about ideas.. these are different sizes of a life you can have. In this article we’ll examine the effects of these levels on your peace of mind, level of fulfillment, the quality of your life.

We’ll start with me… and my experience.

In 1988 January 1, around 3 minutes after the ball dropped on Times Square, I declared something that ultimately turned my life around.

Download the pdf version of this article at the end of the article

Then periodically, since then, I made declarations in a similar vein, that clarified and solidified that historical declaration in 1988.

My original de

Opportunity favors the one who is prepared… or do things when they are easy

ff59a96Business, marketing, and other business things are not my favorite things to learn or do. Even though I come from a family where three out of five (I have two brothers) have MBAs, and my father was god of the topic in Hungary…

I gave up going for it one credit short: an enemy of my father would not let me pass an exam…

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

~Thomas A. Edison

I don’t like these topics because they need organization, creating systems, and I am not good at them. I tighten up when I have to do things I am not good at.

I could learn to be good at them, but everything comes at a cost, time and brain cells taken away from what I am

One path to Self you may want to take

the-most-awe-inspiring-youtube-videos-One of the capacities you want to cultivate is the capacity of being in awe. Awestruck, awe-inspired.

Why? Because unless you can be moved on the inside, you are dead and I can’t help you… nobody can.

Unless you can attain to a certain level of awe, you are not going to be able to have a purpose to your life, or love, or rise above the pedestrian existence of the current humanity.

And no, I am not going to turn it on for you, please don’t ask.

This is a pro

Warning: this is a rant… don’t read it if you want to keep on dreaming

not a path to becoming a millionaireWarning: this is a rant… don’t read it if you want to remain hopeful

I had a few insights today, one of them suddenly answers a question I didn’t ask before.

The question I didn’t ask was: how come the people with nothing of real value to say occupy the top 1% of the internet?

This is what happened? I saw an email that offered a list of 241 top influencers on the internet. I looked at the list, and there was not one person who had anything to say that could make the world a better place for h

Learning and growing through simulation

Computer-Games-as-a-Tool-for-Language-Education2Life is a lot like a Freecell game. ((In an upcoming article I’ll share what it cost me to learn through life, instead of simulation. Quite an educational story… sad though… :-())

You make lots of decisions… which card to move, which card to leave alone.

In a very short time when you find yourself with no cards to move… it is mighty hard to retrace your steps. And even if you could, undoing the steps