Conspiracy: Why you don’t like yourself, your behavior, your looks, and your life?

More conspiracy theories that can open your eyes
Could you identify the many ways you don’t like yourself an your life?
Most likely, these areas are areas where conspiracy distorted your behavior, distorted your thinking, distorted your expectations.
Consciously, willfully, with malicious…

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Back to the future… How to change your present and your future by tweaking the past?


Can you go back to the past and change it? Will the future change with it?
Silly sounding question, but it is not as silly as it sounds.
Because we look at life, at what is happening, through the limited perspective of the human mind, we actually don’t know what is happening, only


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Are you under mind control: is there such a thing? Do words control the mind? Or is there another way?


Today’s article is for people that are able and willing to think. Readers. Learners. People able to hold a thought. If you are 90% of my visitors: leave now. Please.
We are under mind-controlling influences, most of the time. If you want to have a life not directed by the mind control…

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Slow down!

Want to get more? Grab less… The counter intuitive way to “do” life that works.
I once had a very good friend. We met in Landmark, and all we talked about is Landmark stuff… Landmark Education works through distinctions… and it is hard to explain what a distinction is, but I will…

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Why do you want to change?

You cannot grow if you think that there is something wrong with you. You need to return to the starting point: there is nothing wrong with you, with who you are, what you think, what you feel, how you look. Nothing. And when you can be that place, then you can start to grow in any direction you wish. Really

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The Nature of Reality: Is the Universe friendly to you?

The universe is not friendly to you, at best it tolerates you. there are no gods, spirits, angels, guides, no such thing as law of attraction. You get what you work for, or what you steal from others…

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22 Timeless Life Lessons From Children Stories

Some wisdom we could have learned as a child… but didn’t. But it is never late…
I came to America as an adult, and missed most of these animated movies… can you identify them for me? Please?
Also, if you have a good quote, wisdom, for life, from a children’s movie, a fairy tale, a…

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The fullness of love, fulfillment, and the emptiness you try to fill

In this article I share what it takes to become a fulfilled human being… Not depending on the world for love, success, praise… being liked, being well thought of… Get out of the yearning for love, yearning for success, yearning to be liked, acknowledged, feeling useful… all that slavery.

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Lack of confidence? Difficulty to trust yourself? This article is a must read!


Summary: An enlightened being is confident. Confident in their ability to be a match to whatever life throws at them, and therefore they don’t fret, don’t sit around, they do what it takes to achieve what they set out to achieve.
Enlightenment is a process, that could be called becoming…

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Confidence: what is confidence and how can you get more confident?

Confidence is one of the words we throw around without knowing what the heck we are talking about.
In fact, it probably best approached by the symptoms of what’s there when we are NOT confident.
According to wikipedia, confidence is this

the feeling or belief that one can r…

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