Gratitude and Appreciation Most people are not able to be grateful for no reason. Or have appreciation for no reason. Just test yourself: is there a because after you say a “thank you,? or ?I appreciate you/this”?
Vibrational Review: Dawn James: Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life: A Practical Guide for Attaining Better Health, Vitality and Inner Peace
Dawn James: vibrational frequency: 195, book/information: 290, doesn’t connect to Source. Dawn James’ story is that she had a near death experience, and she came back armed with spiritual knowledge available only on the other side. Muscle test shows that this is a story. People who do have a near death experience are said to experience the Original Design and come back and maintain that knowledge, experience, and attitude as a result. Muscle test says that it’s a story
Living My Life As An Experiment…
Living my life as an experiment has given me a valuable “to the side and slightly elevated” vantage point. What does that mean? That while I am in the midst of whatever is going on, whatever is bothering me, I am also viewing it from a point not in the midst of. Example: My landlord treats me like a dirty rag. That is a sentence from he midst of…
Who is Responsible? Or How To Increase Your Personal Power… Raise Your Vibration, Improve Your Health… etc.
One of the things that show the level of your intelligence is how much of your power you give away. Or keep for yourself for what you need to do… We, humans, are really good at playing the “blame game.” That, combined with the other favorite, “suddenly,” is really lethal. I don’t have a TV, I don’t read the newspaper, but can’t avoid getting glimpses of “big news,” like the cantaloupes that killed. Let’s look beyond where the news (and probably you) stopped: what is the assumption that killed here
Vibrational Review: Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks Lasting Love
Vibrational Review: Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks Lasting Love Finding true love with the person you have, or with a new person Vibration: Gay: 255, Kathlyn 225 Results: percentage that get the promised changes: 1% Truth value of teachings: 295 Truth value if it were after activation (phase 2+3) 400 Results if it were after activation: 4% Price: $299 Price with activation: 299+47=$346. (Activation through my site, they don’t know about it… lol ) Leave your comment below… Vibrational Review: Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks Lasting Love is a post from: Raise Your Vibration
Vibrational Review: Donna Eden
Donna Eden Her vibration is 299… the highest of the so called energy practitioners’. She works exclusively with 4th plane energies. She doesn’t connect to Source (7th Plane).
Low Vibration? High Vibration? What’s The Difference?
What is Low Vibration? What is High Vibration? Is it really vibration? Why should I have one rather than the other
Money Grabbing Gurus. Money and Vibration. What Does Source Have To Say About That?
Are gurus in it for the money? Are you just a means for them to get rich? Are the teachers that don’t make any money have a higher vibration? They are surely in it for you, right? Where should you look when you want to decide who to follow?
Becoming Like God, Clinging To The Tree of Life
Becoming Like God, Climbing The Tree of Life There are two fundamental ways to live life , and that reflects in every choice we make, every thought we have, every action we take. One way is to say: “I am all I can be, and my job is to make the best with what I have got. If I choose to grow, I have schools to go to, I have people who know more than I do, and I can learn from them.” This is the Tree of Knowledge way. The other is: I am made of the substance of God, and that substance is capable of being like God , as it is of God. Not only the substance is capable to be like God , it wants to be like God .
Want to steal a Jewish trick for prosperity? Read my article: How Can A Yarmulka Help You To Get Rich?
I once read a book that was teaching Jewish values, the values that made so many Jews wealthy, so many Jews high achievers, so many Jews mensch, which is Yiddish for a righteous human being. This article is about stealing a Jewish custom, that looks silly to steal, yet, unbeknownst to Jews made them special and specially favored, judged by all the achievements: and that is the custom of wearing a skullcap, also called yarmulka or kipa. If you pay attention, the skullcap covers exactly the area that if you activate it by paying attention to it, puts you in direct contact with the Creator. That direct contact activates hidden capacities, and downloads capacities that are needed to win at the endeavor you are engaged at. Even those short nano-seconds that today’s Jew feels that spot, the times when he makes sure it’s still there, unbeknownst to him he connects to Source and loads up on the power it takes to be a winner.