When you feel accused… DNA capacity activation learnings

I turn the capacity on, ego turns it off

“It’s easier to evaluate your results through drunken delusion than to gaze soberly in the mirror and face the truth.”

I had another DNA capacity activation session today.

It was different. Some people had already had the same capacities activated before.

I found two big surprises… both strong enough to kick me in the gut:

  1. When I first download the energy to you that activates the capacity, it does what it does, goes through the phases, and when I check the muscletest says: it is turned on.

    When I come back to you, because you are on a webinar, it seems that there is a lot more work

Is the “law” of attraction a useful tool to get what you want?

law of attraction people low vibrationPeople mostly want money. And almost as many people want love. It is all desire for the self alone. Greed.

You want what you want and how you want it on the vibrational level where you are.

Vibrational level, roughly, means: how many and which capacities of the 160 DNA capacities you use in your life.

Most people who are interested in the law of attraction racket are people who have 10-20 capacities of the 160 activated, but only use 10 of those 20.

That should tell you something: you live in a tiny box, self-imposed, and hope in a miracle. Read articles on the law of attraction hoping that you’ll be able to manipul

Vibration is like fitness: if what you are doing is not painful, it will not raise your vibration

nopain-nogainEverybody is looking for the easy, take a pill type of solution to life’s issues: fitness, relationships, money, raising your vibration.

One of my students has been coming back to the same article, over and over again, several times a day, because to him it seems like an instant, pop a pill type of solution to raising your vibration.

The truth is that pop a pill type of solutions either don’t work, or work counter to your intention.

Fitness is the easiest to see because it is visible… the others: it isn’t quite obvious

If you take a pill… you’ll not get fit. If it works and you lose weight, it probably caused damage, just as

Vibrational Review: 5 stages of Consciousness Evolution by Vishen Lakhiani

Vishen Lakhiani becoming limitlessVishen Lakhiani is the owner of MindValley… a huge company promoting gurus and their programs.

The original article was to promote his webinar workshop on becoming limitless, on October 13. The webinar’s job is to promote their continuity, i.e. subscription to the $29 a month Mindvalley Academy.

Because so many people are interested in becoming limitless, or at least happier, I am going to review the article… I can’t review the webinar, or something I haven’t happened… but I can look at the person and his work any time, and make bold assertions to their resu

The cycles of energy: the will to live and its cycle… the ups and downs of life

bipolar cycleAs I have said in other articles before, we have several cycles going on in our lives.

What I didn’t say about the cycles is this: earliest incidents of disappointment, pain, abuse, loss create them. The length of the cycle is fixed, and it is correlated to the age when the incident happened.

OK, after this preamble, I’d like to share a cycle I haven’t spoken about: the cycle in which I lose the will to live. I lose enjoyment. It’s not fun.

I am probably at the deepest point of the cycle right now. And until a few minutes ago, life was showing up and an is… All life held, success, money, love, relationships showed up as: this is

Are your actions effective? Constructive? And if not, why?

This may be the most important article for you to read… Don’t complain that I didn’t warn you!

One of the things mainstream (all the gurus) get wrong is this: they consider you a constant in opportunities. Constant as in fixed… As if you were the same when you are afraid, and when you are confident…

You are not constant until you are on the vibrational level of above 900. How do I know? Because I can see the difference in me and in my ability to act constructively, even though I am above 900.

Let me explain: The YOU, the watcher, the Observer, the maker of decisions is not constant.

Even mainstream can see that, but they don’t know what changes when you go from putz, ineffective, flailing limp dick to someone who can take effective actions.

They think it has something to do with your beliefs. That if you implant a belief in you then you will see what to do, and you’ll know how to go about effective actions, including the seeing, the words, the strategy.

Or they

A reader asks: Isn’t inventing a being the same as pretending?

Hi Sophie – I need some clarifications ..

Isn’t inventing a being the same as pretending?

Is the goal to have the being be the ‘inventing being’? ..someone who can be any being? i.e caring, happy, courageous etc.

What kind of being do I invent when 99% of the population is there to make me feel bad?


Go read the rest of the article

Beingness and being, is there a difference?

Being ((The state or quality of being being; existence)) is a tricky word, in every language I know. We use it as if it were cheap, inconsequential, but it causes mischief.

When you say “I am depressed” instead of “I feel depressed”, without knowing that there is a difference, you, unwittingly, practice self-definition.

You can feel a lot of things. Feelings and emotions have a normal tendency, that when not resisted, they move. They change. They morph from one feeling to another.

Go read the rest of the article

How to measure vibration? How to measure consciousness? how to measure your vibrational frequency

It is good to know where you are at. With all the pretending, with all the charts, you probably overestimate or underestimate your vibration, your vibrational frequency.

Go read the rest of the article

3rd level?

I want to address a widespread issue I see in self-improvement with a lot of people.
People struggle, and their results are minimal, nothing to write home about. Or they get a result and then nothing… even what they got goes away.
Part of the reason you struggle, is you’re trying to…

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/12777/3rd-level/