Vibrational reviews: how other people do it

(Bashar,Ramtha,Ashtar Command,Sananda,Neale Donald Walsh,Wayne Dyer,Amma, Sylvia Browne, Sathya Sai Baba, Osho)

OK, I was browsing for other people’s reviews, and found this. It’s pretty good… I will add my vibrational review to it, probably in a different color for you to see what I say and what “she” said… She is the author of this post… Lady Miss Neptune, from NYC, I think.
10 Questionable Gurus and Impostor Entities
Posted on March 17, 2014 by Lady Miss Neptune
There is a stench in the spiritual community becoming more and more apparent as time passes. This stench is coming from the famous and influential names in the community. Those who in recent years have created much fuss over nothing. Those whose teachings are false, deceptive, empty, mundane, regurgitated, and only serve to maintain the status quo, all the while deluding followers into believing they are worshipping a most high-caliber being or following an ultimate form of teaching.

A most important virtue

Sonia Choquette vibrational review… get an attachment from Sonia Choquette, fake

Sonia-Choquette-300-x-225-Q12Sonia Choquette Personal vibration: all mind, no Self, no connection. Personal vibration: 130. She is empathic. Not a psychic. Clairvoyance: accuracy: 20%. Reminds me of the gypsy fortune teller that robbed me in Budapest: lured me in, and robbed me. … Continue reading

Vibrational Review: Carol Tuttle

Vibrational Review: Abundance Practitioner Carol Tuttle

MindValley is a shrewd company, riding the wave of fear, riding the wave of desperation.

First this year, Christie Marie Sheldon and her Unlimited Abundance course, then T. Harv Eker, again, millionaire b.s., and now Carol Tuttle’s new course on MindValley on Wealth attraction.

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Vibrational Review: Helpful Waves tuning

Tom Jacobs, creator of helpful waves, personal vibration: 70; Truth value of “self-healing” modality of tuning audios: 1%. What he does reminds me of what Andy Shaw says about people: “humans are the only species that play with their food”… Now, I know about food, and I …

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Vibrational Review: The Avatar Course of Harry Palmer

Vibrational Review The Avatar Course of Harry Palmer and Star’s Edge International An outgrowth of the Church of Scientology. Harry Palmer’s vibration today is 295, before the Planetary Activation , First Phase , his vibration was 250. He has never connected to Source, so all that he teaches is Tree of Knowledge stuff, (not that I have seen any of it, it is just because no Tree of Life knowledge comes without connecting to its source… ) His programs attract people who vibrate around 150, the vibration of anger. Of course it is just the majority of his crowd.

Vibrational Review: Gurjieff et. al.

Vibrational Review: Gurjieff (G. I. Gurdjieff 1866-1949) I have read full original writings of Gurjieff, though I have read a book about him, with lots of quotes, by Colin Wilson. I also knew one person, for a while, who was a disciple of Gurjieff, and he was quite messed up… But it would be a mistake to judge a teacher by their students..

Vibrational Review: Stephen Pierce

Vibrational Review: Stephen Pierce Stephen Pierce is a Born Again Christian. His vibration is 270. He is a multi-millionaire marketer. A Black guy with a great story: long ago he was at the wrong place and got shot…

Vibrational Review: Brian Ridgway and Level 5

Vibrational Review: Brian Ridgway level 5 Brian and I share a lot of similarities. We have taken the same courses, except I never went the shamanic path, ever. In fact I never dabbled in the 4th plane at all, not even the Law of Attraction. I guess I have been like the young woman who saves herself for her husband to be… I have saved myself to Source.

Vibrational Review: Gerald O’Donnell, the academy of remote viewing and influencing reality

Vibrational Review: Gerald O’Donnell, ACADEMY OF REMOTE VIEWING AND INFLUENCING REALITY, Personal vibration: 180, slightly above pride, but below integrity His teaching’s truth level: 195 Teaching is fear-based and tree of knowledge and/or the plane of imaginary entities. That much about remote viewing and Gerald O’Donnell One of my students buys everything he every published, so I have measured his vibration earlier: it was higher. I guess fear (the Aspen vibration) has lowered his vibration… but even then it wasn’t above 250: I can’t remember. Now, another student of mine forwarded his 2012 message to me: as an empath I was flooded with negative feelings even without reading it.

Vibrational Review: Quantum K: free healing using harmonics, fractal geometry and focused intent.

Vibrational Review: Quantum K: free healing using harmonics, fractal geometry and focused intent. Vibration of modality: 220 Truth value: 150 Vibrational Review: Quantum K: free healing using harmonics, fractal geometry and focused intent. is a post from: Connect To Source: Raise Your Vibration