Yesterday, on the What’s missing workshop, a participant introduced to me an expression that you’ll find very expressive: stuck in limbo. Limbo: a region of the afterlife on the border of hell, neglect, oblivion, on hold… The waiting state most people are in… they are waiting for something better, or sometimes waiting for the other shoe to drop. Either way you look at it: limbo is not a good place.
My first foray, my first venture into joy or joyous is trying to figure out what joy is. After all we don’t know necessarily what words mean when it comes to feelings… do we. We, children, watch and learn… but in a world where what you see is a mask, what you see does not represent a feeling accurately, because the person isn’t feeling it, because the person is faking it, the looks don’t help.
My hunch is that joy is fabricated with the intention to cause craving for it, to cause an acute sense of the lack of it.
Actually, when I watch people who enjoy something, they
The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.
What is the Islamic State?
Where did it come from, and what are its intentions? The simplicity of these questions can be deceiving, and few Western leaders seem to know the answers. In December, The New York Times published confidential comme
Some unexpected fallouts and insights from activating the newly discovered DNA capacity to all those people…
Suddenly this client thinks, for the first time, to ask how to speak to her mother in law who goes to her house, picks up her ironing and cleans her house…
Here is the whole conversation… this is an issue that SHOULD come up for everyone, because the idea of being interested in how a communication lands is one of those things, being able to see the consequences of your action. Communication is action!
So here is the email conversation where I teach her how to 1. be appreciative 2. be kind 3. be effective without forc
A spiritual practice like no other… are you doing it?
What makes the “Stranger than Fiction” type of narration work like gangbusters to get you out of your head?
To my surprise not many people take advantage of the opportunity to watch a good movie and steal a habit that can be called a spiritual practice that can take you from a victim of your mind, to as near a human being as you can get in a few months’ time.
I have a student who seems to be looking for reasons to be unhappy, angry, frustrated. And not surprisingly she finds something. Always.
She is working on her health and well-being, and part of that is to document every breakfast, lunch and dinner time what she eats, what she drinks, what she does, what she feels like, and whether she had a bowel movement or not. These are all indicators of her well-being and progress.
This morning I realized something: her diary says: bowel movement: small. She doesn’t say: bowel movement: yes (or no, whatever is the case.) No she says: small.
One of the horrible things I experience, often, is that people never ask: “why should I care?”
Why that is horrible? Why that is disappointing?
Because that question would show that the pilot light of intelligence is not completely extinguished in you. You have never asked that question? Now you know what it means.
Back in 1977, shortly after I won my first architectural competition, and therefore was wealthier than most people I knew, I fell ill: my sinuses put me to bed with high-high fever. I could not sleep 24/7, so I turned to a book, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World ((Some quotes:
Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him.
An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex.
Maybe this world is another planet’s hell.
)). At some point I had a revelation: The society I lived in, the ideology I believed in, was beautiful, except that it worked for no one, no person living in it. It
How to be the eye of the storm calm… Three moves you can learn and practice
Everything is moved by the invisible… where all the power is. Some are just one layer below the surface, some are deeper… but all the same, all changes, all movements, all phenomena comes from there, the invisible.
Do I see all the forces in the invisible that jerk on your chains? I don’t.
But be sure that your efforts to manage the visible, in reaction to what you see, is misdirected.
Let’s look at the economy in the wake of an election.
A few years ago when I first “reviewed” Access Consciousness I didn’t check for attachments… and unfortunately my high evaluation exposed a lot of people to the nasty attachments Access Consciousness puts on people. I apologize. If you are one who got involved, please get in touch.
The Gary Dougless, Dain Heer bunch is as nasty as Scientology, maybe even nastier because of their ability to put an energetic attachment on you and keep you trapped.
Here is an article I found online:
BY CRAIG MALISOW in The Houston (Texas) Press
“This is something I’ve wanted to do for the kids for a long time,” Gary Douglas says to an audience of children in an Austin hotel conference room over the summer. Other kids across the country are watching the seminar online.
Douglas, 70, just got done hearing from a mother professing gratitude to Douglas for bringing consciousness to her kids. He opened their eyes, and they opened hers. A