How Do You Recognize Your Soul Mate?

On Saturday, January 3rd, at exactly 5:42 pm my nose started to bleed. By the time I grabbed something to hold to my nose I was soaked in blood. Red, thick, beautiful blood. Scary. My inner eyes projected a scenario: me, on the floor, dead, in a pool of blood.

I checked my pulse and it was bang, bang, bang, unusually strong. “I must have high blood pressure” I thought. Both my parents died of broken blood vessels… and both my brothers have high blood pressure.

The blood eruption repeated itself at 11:02 pm, three times on Sunday, and twice on Monday.

Monday night, as I was staring at the blank wall contemplating the chances of dying, I suddenly saw my Kabbalah teacher in my mind’s eye. She recently recovered from a nasty disease, and it had done her a world of

Will You Succeed or Will You Fail in Internet Marketing or pretty much any other endeavor?

When you ask people what made them who they are today, invariably all of them answer a version of the same thing: The past.

How they express this varies: my parents, my schooling, what I have been doing, my genes, etc. etc. but all in all, they all mean the same: what makes me who I am today is the past.

If that were true, that would be bad news, really.

Imagine that it is true. Now see yourself trying to be successful online. Given your track record, and your genes, and your past behavior, how much chance do you have for success?

I’d love to say zero, but it would be unfair to many of you. So instead, I answer it in a way that applies to all of you:

The same as yesterday. Or a year ago…

Now, that is a total bummer, isn’t it?

And it is total hogwash. It is a lie. It is an illusion.

If that were true, no change would be possible. And people do change. Not many, not often, but they do.

If change weren’t possible, then…

People would not sud

Do You Rock, or Do You Wait to be Rocked? Can you be coached?

Do You Rock, or Do You Wait to be Rocked?

or “Coaching and your ambition number…”

There are two main widely diverging schools of coaching that I can see.

  • One is like a cheerleader or motivator… the coach is trying to get water from a rock…
  • The other, the coaching I practice, is very different.

The principle of the second type of coaching: you can only coach someone who is in action. You can redirect them… but they have to be in movement. It is not my job or responsibility to get you into movement.

So this is what the “do you rock or do yo

The narrative… the story that creates who you are

The narrative ((narrative:
* 1.a story or account of events, experiences, or the like, whether true or fictitious.
* 2.a book, literary work, etc., containing such a story.
* 3.the art, technique, or process of narrating, or of telling a story: Somerset Maugham was a master of narrative.
* 4.a story that connects and explains a carefully selected set of supposedly true events, experiences, or the like, intended to support a particular viewpoint or thesis: to rewrite the prevailing narrative about masculinity; the narrative that our public schools are failing.))

A student of mine, after listening to my last Sunday call recording, asked why Jews turned to a different strategy than the slaves from Africa. Or Native Americans.

What is the most important skill to develop and keep using, daily, if you want to live a life you love?

We live as if things never changed. Even though we hear, read, that the only thing that is constant in life is change.

And yet, our minds, the machine-like part of us that cannot learn, won’t learn, and fancies itself YOU… our minds tell us, moment to moment, that life will remain the way it is in that moment.

Is that crazy or what?

  • When something bad happens, the reaction is not to the bad thing, but to the idea that the results of the bad thing are life-long.
  • When something good happens, the reaction is not to the good thing. It is to the idea, to the notion, to the ce

Stay Open In The Pain. Experience it with your eyes open

Yehuda Berg says: Our spiritual work is to grow more connected to others around us. Our obstacle to building bridges to other people is stored hurt. Perceived or real… When we don’t resolve conflicts in our relationships, our lives can’t move forward.

Today, tell your boyfriend or boss or brother exactly what you want, what you feel, what you think. You are going to worry about what they will say or think. And honestly, that’s the work. Just expose yourself and be vulnerable. Ask the Light to give you the strength to stay open in the pain.

Your soul will love you for having the courage to speak up.

You see, pain is inevitable in life. No matter wher

How some questions you ask will determine your whole life, the moment you answer them

This morning I have been experiencing an emotional roller coaster… as I am cycling through tens of people as I accidentally connect to them. Some gurus, Murakami, his wife, a marketing guru, my next door neighbor, my brother, some students, … Continue reading → Related Posts: The unanswerable question trap: it holds you by the […]

The size of your foundation, your astuteness, the size of your foundation, spiritual capacities

overdoing it in energizing your waterNote: this is an important article… please read. It summarizes a lot of what is not working about you… and what you can do about it.

I really enjoy the work on people’s hydration.

I love seeing how they get things done (or not) and it is a source of a lot of amusements.

Am I laughing at them? No. Laughing at someone is laughing at their expense.

I am laughing at the idiosyncrasies, the funny ways of getting things done, the soul correction I recognize.

For example, this picture, above. Very educational. It shows a lot to learn from.

You can see a polar pitcher with the mini speaker inserted in the bottom: the water is a perfect 653:

Pushing on a string.. Sometimes you are the pusher, other times you are the string

Around the time when I graduated from Architecture School, my brother impregnated a woman 10 years his senior, who wanted to get married.

I recommended that he pay for her abortion and call it quits.

To my surprise he listened to me. (This is the phenomenon, when it is NOT pushing on a string… rare) I didn’t know why and how I knew that the woman just wanted to marry a Jewish boy… that it wasn’t for love, or for mutual support. I didn’t know I was an empath.

Knowing what is people hidden nature is a blessing, and is a burden. And an invaluable tool in coaching. You can’t lie to me…

Most people want to go down danger’s, death’s path… it is their path. Talking to them it is like pushing on a

Out of sight, out of mind… the death of all intentions

A lot of years ago a guy, another participant stood up in a Landmark Education seminar and shared something that has impacted my life to this day.

Here is what he said:

“The other day I was lying on the couch, working on a report for my workplace.

I didn’t like what I wrote, so I crumpled the paper and pitched it to the waste basket that was on the other side of the room. After missing it several times, my wife picked up the waste basket and put it right next to me.”

That was all he said. I was shaken to the core. Move the things you need close to where you need them… Hah.
