One night, the Shah dressed up as a peasant to enjoy the evening air undisturbed by his rank, and to wander through the streets of his empire unnoticed. He walked through town and reached the poor section of town. The street was quiet, but suddenly he heard singing from a little cottage. As he peaked through the window he saw a man sitting at a table.
He was amazed that such a poor man would be in such good spirits. He knocked on the door and asked if he would be welcome to join the man as a guest. They ate and drank together. After the meal the Shah asked the man how he earned hi
One of the most surprising thing in the world of humans is that humans can’t tell if they are smart or not. This error leads to lives that are not fulfilled, filled with fear, trepidation, or on the other extreme: boasting and disappointment. ((This is a horrible thing. Do you know what is the worst thing about me for me?
I bet you would not be able to guess, so I’ll share it with you.
I expect you to be smart. I really do. And I am always surprised when I find out that you are not.
In my world smart means: quick and accurate on the uptake. See with your own eyes. Understand and be able to see things for what they are, without me pointing it out.
Like with any diet, both the what and the how are crucially important.
I’ll show you later in this article, that even if you eat the right things, if you eat wrongly, the how, you won’t feel good… you won’t get well. You won’t be present to life.
And so it is with your Netflix diet as well.
Here is how I watch Netflix…
I watch only stuff that will teach me the skills by pointing me to the capacities I could distinguish and then practice. I even take notes!
Whenever I see something noteworthy, I stop and contemplate it for minutes… long minutes. I consider Netflix my mentor…
The first series I watched was Medium.
I learned from it a lot. I learned that her first inkling wa
During the summer of 1966 I ran into a girl I knew from elementary school. Turns out she applied and was accepted to the same school I was going to start in that September.
We were having a chat. I remember thinking to myself: Compared to her I know everything… why am I going to school?
We both graduated. I am sure she still thinks she knows everything. My experience is that I know less and less as time goes by.
Whether you can identify with my 19 year old person, or my 69 year old person, and to what degree will be important, so jot it down.
Confession time: I have a very small window where I experience being physically well. Or emotionally well. I am not very sturdy. I have a tiny tolerance to heat, a small tolerance to cold, a small tolerance to running on empty. Especially painful and unsettling for me is running on empty… while you, while most […]
Know thyself is what is one of the 147 maxims inscribed in Delphi… In fact, it is a principle. A principle is something to live by, something to get guidance from. When we talk about principle driven life, any of those 147, and countless other principles will do your life justice. When I look at …
How Many Different Ways Do You Know Your Mind Keep You Trapped In A Dead End Loop Of Activity? I’ve told you about me, finally, awakening that there is a mosquito invasion in every window of my duplex. So I’ve …
If you want to enslave a man, the best and fastest way to go about it is to rob the man of his common sense, his guidance system.
Train him to not trust his feelings. In anything. Train him that he can’t trust his feelings. Train him that all decisions should be made by men smarter than him. Train him that he can’t be trusted to made decisions about the education, the health about his children.
Train him by printing on plastic bags that they should not be put in the cradle… because a child may suffocate playing with it… Do this so the man will stop thinking for himself and start relying entirely on thing being given to him chewed and digested.
Success literature, books, articles, movies about success… are they worth following?
Success leaves traces… as in footprints in the sand
If you look at what people did, how they did it, the tracks converge and become the “strait and narrow’, exactly the way Leo Tolstoy says it in the Anna Karenina Principle.
So there is no wonder that I am finding articles nowadays that I could have written myself, if I were a success writer.
There are three types of success writers and success coaches.
One type: they can talk… and talk… and talk. No success where they are, because they don’t even try. They live by teaching something that they learned… but never successfull