How the left brain blocks all your attempts to evolve as a person…

I am reading a book ((Return to the brain of Eden by Tony Wright and Graham Gynn. Truth value: 7%. Careful, that means 93% b.s. If it is such low truth value: why am I reading it? Because, as you’ll see later in this article, I can tell truth from falsehood, because I read with my right brain, I can get from the book what I need, and none of the b.s. You can’t… yet.

I just started the book, but my hunch, at this early on is that what they say about food is what’s off… )) that says that humans used to be able to live from their right-brain, meaning they were a lot more intelligent.

The book sa

If you don’t take feedback well, you need to grow up and get cracking.

You need to get better, maybe even good at it. ((Unless you are a cat person and willing to risk that only people who can’t connect to anyone else will connect to you.

By the way, this may not be true for cats… Cats are a lot smarter than that.))

So here are a few “memes” I picked today.

When you distinguish something, the whole world seems to rotate around the thing you just distinguished, so feedback showed up everywhere.

And I got acknowledged by two people on the trip to the grocery store… so I am getting better too… lol.

OK, here are the pictures…. almost…

What should you do with them?

First off figure out, feel why they are feedback. To whom? Does the feedback apply to you? Are you the one giving it, or you could have gotten it your self?

Have you been ignoring it?

Is there a way you could take it a guidance?

Guidance to what?

You want to ask the question: Do I want to be the kind of person who needs this feedback?

In my ca

Why is the “need to meet others’ expectation” so important, and why it’s a mistake to not honor it?

And how it doesn’t mean to please everybody, or even one person. You’ll see…

Our language is so corrupt, it is hard to find a person who means what they say… I mean the words. You’ll see what meeting others’ expectation is… Not what’s on the illustrations… 🙁

The most willfully ignored need, in my experience, is the need to meet others’ expectation.

What prevents you from honoring that need is a misunderstanding. Or we could say: the mis-weighing bias. All biases are misunderstanding how things work, shortcuts that give you a different result than what you expected.

In not honoring but ignoring this need, your chances for success, your chances for love, for self-expression, for happiness are so greatly diminishe

Success leaves traces… as in footprints in the sand

Success literature, books, articles, movies about success… are they worth following?

Success leaves traces… as in footprints in the sand

If you look at what people did, how they did it, the tracks converge and become the “strait and narrow’, exactly the way Leo Tolstoy says it in the Anna Karenina Principle.

So there is no wonder that I am finding articles nowadays that I could have written myself, if I were a success writer.

There are three types of success writers and success coaches.

  • One type: they can talk… and talk… and talk. No success where they are, because they don’t even try. They live by teaching something that they learned… but never successfull

When you don’t fit in… what can you do?

If you are on this site, you will find yourself, more or less, in this article. And it may change your life.

A student writes,

Hi Sophie, I think I take trivial and superficial things too seriously. How can I let go of these immaterial incidents or people and focus on important things that truly matter to me?

I also find out that sometimes I become the victim of scams.

this was my answer

This is the sign of two things, Kate: 1. your map of reality isn’t very similar to reality. 2. you have too much importance attached to nice words about you… i.e. you want to be defined by words not by your actions.

It is the main reason I read the book Feelings, to f

Do you want to be a Jew?

I want to tell you a little story… because it’s been on my mind for a while, and I need to get it off my chest.

YOU don’t need it. You really don’t want to hear it, because you won’t like what it says about you.

So, it’s OK if you click off now. Good. Now I am alone with the handful of people who want to hear what I have to say. Because it is what makes us this little group of… Jews?

Funny, eh? Let me explain.

Long time ago, over the seas, and the mountains, a little old man, called God was in search of some people. Some people who would take it on themselves to run an experiment, much like the first fish that climbed on dry land.

So this l

Dethroning the mind… not a minute too early.

I have muscle tested dozens of teachers that teach or have taught the power of your mind religion. They are all miserable and wretched. Low vibration, inner disharmony, incoherence.

If the teachers that teach it can’t make it work for them, probably it is time for you to decide that it doesn’t work. That it’s junk science. A lie. Fraud. Deception. Tool to enslave humanity… successfully enslave it, so far.

Humanity as humanoids is about 200,000 years old.

Life has been largely the life of little kids, who are afraid of some god and some devil and of their own shadow.

Because humanity’s knowledge about what is behind the curtain has been faulty

Is there an emotional guidance system the way Esther Hicks teaches it?

Let’s consider the possibility that Esther Hicks indeed is connected to some knowledge, some energy, and attempts to translate it to “English”. Meaning symbols… words.

Given her level of consciousness, her level of vibration (170), her level of accurate knowledge of how things work (3% accuracy), wisdom would have to get lost in the translation.

I have a personal example of what happens. In 1973 or so, I had a live-in boy friend who was writing his dissertation for his degree. He was a Philosophy major.

He wrote about Hegel, a German Philosopher.

I was a good typist, so I volunteered to type up his thesis as he was writing it. He would write at night, I would type up the previous night’s portion in the evening.

He wrote “World Brain” or Universal Knowledge… something like that. In Hungarian it is one letter short of “continent”.

So I typed continent. It must have been a typo I

Are you stingy with yourself? Skimping?

I am watching you… lol. Not like Big Brother, more like I learn from you what you need. Where you are defeating your best intentions, where you leak energy, where you get it wrong.

And because you are here (I hope at least some of you) to get help in attaining to the good life, so you want me to watch you… it is for your benefit.

I was just telling one of my students the biggest missing he has: The principle that

everything you ever wanted comes to you through other people

or as Wallace D. Wattles says in The Science of Getting Rich: the gold coins won’t roll out and to you, they will be in the hands of others.