As I have written before, the book I am reading now is the Metaskills. The author is a designer, and looks at life through a designer’s glasses. The article “You live in a world of your own design” is one … Continue reading “How to find your real self… instead of honoring your false self as yourself”
Who are you being? What is the beingness that informs your actions?
Who are you being? What is the beingness that informs your actions right now? Your being is a paradigm and things show up consistent with that beingness. I speak often about turning points in my life. Turning points are points … Continue reading → Related Posts: Turning Points Part 2: commit to life What is […]
What keeps you from what you want? Can you change it?
The world has never been so divided. The dividing criteria is intellectual and spiritual abilities, the ability to tell truth from falsehood. To interact with reality the way reality is… not how it should be. The stupid is becoming stupider, … Continue reading
The hidden spiritual capacity that is underneath all the others… I think.
It’s been coming up with more and more frequency: We don’t know what it looks like to be good, to be kind, to be independent, to be happy, etc. I wrote recently about my quest to become a kind person. … Continue reading → Related Posts: I have decided to learn kindness. Could reading Charlie […]
The non-physical pain of being devalued…
There is a very interesting phenomenon and I just experienced it full blast.
This is how it goes: I write something. I think I know what i am saying. but hours later it hits me… wow.
So I wrote in my previous article, this morning, that all pain and suffering you experience is experiencing your own resistance… resistance coming from the 14th floor words: “This should not be…”
And most non-physical pain you experience comes from the devaluation of the “I”… or the perceived devaluation… and the feedback that is causing it is resisted.
So, consequently all non-physical pain comes from your resistance to feedback.
OK… I said more or less this… but how true and how general it is just hit me.
Here I am sit
The size of your foundation, your astuteness, the size of your foundation, spiritual capacities
Note: this is an important article… please read. It summarizes a lot of what is not working about you… and what you can do about it.
I really enjoy the work on people’s hydration.
I love seeing how they get things done (or not) and it is a source of a lot of amusements.
Am I laughing at them? No. Laughing at someone is laughing at their expense.
I am laughing at the idiosyncrasies, the funny ways of getting things done, the soul correction I recognize.
For example, this picture, above. Very educational. It shows a lot to learn from.
You can see a polar pitcher with the mini speaker inserted in the bottom: the water is a perfect 653:
The connection between your vocabulary and your deserving factor
The connection between the number of words you can correctly use in writing or in speaking and your intelligence, your worth a damn factor, and your deserving the good life… or not.
I am a reader. I read a lot. But yet, a whole new world opened up for me when I started to read on the Kindle. Why? Because it has a built in dictionary. As a result, I have added, to date, 2,000 words to my vocabulary.
It was very cumbersome to read with a dictionary before… I would lose my place, etc.
But the Kindle has made it possible.
I find the word… but sometimes the word in the dictionary is not useful.
I am reading Seneca, the person with whom my teaching of how to live life, how to be happy, i
Ignorance: what is under the cover?
Ignorance: ignorance is a two part notion: not knowing with a certain attitude. ((If we looked deeper, we would notice that ignorance and lack of humility always occur together. I may write a similar article on lack of humility… but for now please know: you can replace the word “ignorance” in this article with “lack of humility” and it will remain 100% true))
This article goes deep. It shows the sinister reason you insist on remaining ignorant.
A child who goes to first grade doesn’t know how to find another country on another continent on the map… and yet we don’t call him ignorant. He is in the process of learning tha
If you want to enslave a man, the best and fastest way to go about it is to rob the man of his common sense, his guidance system.
If you want to enslave a man, the best and fastest way to go about it is to rob the man of his common sense, his guidance system.
Train him to not trust his feelings. In anything. Train him that he can’t trust his feelings. Train him that all decisions should be made by men smarter than him. Train him that he can’t be trusted to made decisions about the education, the health about his children.
Train him by printing on plastic bags that they should not be put in the cradle… because a child may suffocate playing with it… Do this so the man will stop thinking for himself and start relying entirely on thing being given to him chewed and digested.
Give him the religion of positive thinking.
New insights on cell hydration, tiredness, your immune system, diabetes, cancer, and your life expectancy
- If you pee often
- If your pee is light
- If you have to get up in the middle of the night and pee
- that means: your cell hydration is low.
- it may also mean: you have diabetes or pre-diabetes. Diabetics have low cell hydration. this may be the reason they don’t accept the sugar into the cell… Because sugar would break even bigger havoc in the cell… it would dry out the cell completely.