The idea for the Muse came from Ariel Garten, personal vibration 120, a Canadian entrepreneur… curiously deserving a Wikipedia entry, while Dr. Joel Wallach hasn’t. Ugh.
Canada is home of the lowest vibration on the planet.
Why on earth would that be? I myself pondered that question for a long time… until this past weekend, where accidentally I stumbled onto another celebrity Canadian, psychologist Jordan Peterson, personal vibration 170, (( celebrity Canadian, psychologist Jordan Peterson, personal vibration 170
Posted on November 28, 2017 by University
in Evolution Modalities |
Tagged ability , accept , accurate , aliveness , allow , article , attention , audio , audios , average , awake , awareness , b.s , behold , being , blind , Brain , breathing , case , cause , celebrity , chest , choose , classes , coherence , coherent , comfort , conscious awareness , core , cost , culture , degree , difficulty , difficulty breathing , distinguishing , ears , earth , emotion , energies , energizer , energizer audio , energy , enjoy life , entrepreneur , fake , fake self , fast , fear , Feelings , field , fire , forcing , fourth plane , France , generator , good enough , guess , happy , havoc , head , heaven , heaven on earth , help , Higher Vibration , home , humans , hundreds , idea , illusion , incoherent , independent , india , insights , instantly , integrity , internal state , it , job , joel wallach , jordan , keep , king , life , long time , love , love yourself , low vibration , Matrix , matter , measurements , meditation , millionaire , mind , missing , morning , negative , no matter what , number , observation , online , original , original article , participants , past , path , people , person , personal , personal vibration , personhood , philosophical , planet , playground , PM , point , point of view , power , practice , promises , psychologist , public , purpose , question , real , real self , regard , regards , religion , remedy , results , review , self , self-improvement | vibration , shoulds , Silence , spiritual , starting , starting point , state , success , superiority , ted , ted talk , the devil , thinking , thousands , time , to.learn , trick , truth , truth value , united , unless , Vibration , vibrational , vibrational review , view , wallach , watch , water , water energizer , wikipedia , words , work , works , world , you don't know , your internal state , zero point field |