Whatever you can see yourself doing you can do

  • If you can imagine it, you can achieve it.
  • If you can dream it, you can become it

Lots of inspirational quotes say the same thing, so today we’ll examine what is the truth about this whole seeing/doing, seeing/being thing.

I won’t say bullshit on these, although this time yesterday I would have. And I would have been wrong… and I would have been right.

What?! Yeah.

In Saturday’s class the question came up: can you see it? And two people in the class could not see themselves doing certain things.

So when I am looking at all these motivational horse manure, I see that it is best to see if the inverse… OK, OK, what is inverse, right?

Inverse is a thinking method, mental model I learned from Charlie Munger.

He says: Invert, always invert: Turn a situation or problem upside down. Look at it backward

It is not enough to think about difficult problems one way. You need to think about them forwards and backward. Inversion often forces you to uncover hidden beliefs about the problem you are trying to solve. “Indeed,” says Munger, “many problems can’t be solved forward.

Let’s take a look at some examples. Say you want to improve your life. Thinking forward, you’d think about all of the things you could do make it better. If you look at the problem by inversion, however, you’d think about all the things you could stop doing. Ideally, you’d avoid those things. Sounds simple right? I bet you organization do some of those ‘stupid’ or useless things today.

You could look what advice, what addition to your life would ensure misery. You’d find that most would.

Avoiding stupidity is easier than seeking brilliance. In everything.

OK. Just so you know, the main mental model I use in my work is inversion, and the name I use for it is The Anna Karenina Method.

Or weeding.

You need to go deep into things, beyond the obvious, beyond the surface to be able to use this mental model.

So back to seeing and doing…

Possibility is an overused word for ‘I can see it possible. I can see that it can happen. I can see that it would be good.’

Shorthand. But when it is used without looking if you can see it, it is now a weapon.

What do I mean?

I was participating in Landmark Education for 26 years and possibility is their currency. Like dollar, like lira, like Deutsche Mark… Currency.

And people make utterances. Who I am is the possibility of [whatever] for myself and my life, and … drumroll… nothing.

Or pretense. For a while.

Why is that?

I say the fundamental requirement for a possibility to be a possibility for a person is them being able to see it. Walk around in it. Know it inside out, like the blueprint of a building.

This is, by the way, the philosophical foundation for vision boards.

It needs to be something you can see. It needs to be something that you value. And you need to see that it is worth doing the doing to get there.

It cannot just be some having…

When you fantasize about the having, then you are building yourself a desire trap.

So seeing needs to be clarified… Seeing exactly what? What is your role in bringing it about?

Yesterday, on the call, I said: there are certain things I can’t see. I can’t see being loved and feeling loved.

What I didn’t say: I don’t value that much… and I didn’t say that I can imagine aspects of it, like spooning, or having dinner together, but for the most part, I want to be alone. I like to be alone. And I like to keep my thoughts on my stuff… So another would be a distraction I have carefully removed.

Many people are no-achievers. They have never gone for anything in earnest, and therefore they have never achieved anything worth mentioning.

We found yesterday that they cannot see themselves doing what it takes. They may imagine themselves having it, fame, fortune, adulation of crowds, but not the path.

I am looking into diversifying my activities. One of the paths I am looking at is interviewing people for a show. Interviewing people who say different from what I hold true… so I need to create a context of ‘I am on your side. Whatever you do is valuable’ to be even able to do it authentically.

And to be interested. Curious. Soak up what they have to say, so when I re-broadcast it to many people, they will be sympathetic to the person I interviewed.

The whole idea for me is causing me to buzz with pleasure, to get excited, to want to start right away. To want to do it.

I don’t know yet quite to what end result… But I already love the process.

I see that it is worth doing even if the interviews never get published. ZZZZ buzzing of my nerves tell me that.

I am not looking it being a tool, or a stepping stone to something to have.

I had the same relationship with languages, with music, with this work of transformation, even cooking.

I just love the process.

Some years ago we discovered what was my underneath it all context for process. Because we all have that.

Mine is and was: Bringing the Divine to everything.

And I do. What does it mean? I don’t know. I feel it. The buzzing. The excitement.

When you go for the end result, the booby prize, you want to get through the process as fast as you can. You’ll outsource it. You’ll skip it. You’ll despise it. You’ll not want to do it.

And you won’t and cannot have the prize because that is the nature of reality: process leads to result.

A shirttail relative of mine in Israel is a sex expert. One day we were sitting in the orange orchard. He was on call, so it was in the garden of the hospital where he worked.

He touched my back, and like a lightening I felt something that shook my whole body.

He said it was an orgasm. He did it a few times with the same physical results.

Something out of the blue, something I didn’t work towards. I didn’t build up excitement. I didn’t earn it.

I hated it.

I went home later that afternoon, and never even answered this dude’s calls.

When you want the results, without enjoying the process that earns it for you, you cannot love yourself, you cannot love your life.

Life IS process. If you don’t love it, you don’t love life. You live in misery punctuated with ‘orgasmic’ experiences.


The two dudes in the class that could not see that they could DO what would alter their lives to the better missed falling in love with process. Enjoying process.

Not coincidentally, I think, they both have had mothers that did everything for them. So they never had to.

You CAN love any and all process… by the way. It is how you frame it.

Transformation is when you can change your own frame and do. And in a different frame everything looks and feels different.

My frame is ‘bringing the divine to everything’ and it is HEAVENLY.

Their default frame is ‘I have to’… like a homework. Ugh.

Once you have a frame that can hold all the processes life is, you are a happy person.

You’ll sit on hold, or talk to an inept support person, or work on a difficult task… and you can, at will, bring your version of divine to it.

But you need to be able to see yourself doing it, you need to be able to see that it will work.

If you can’t, it won’t do anything.

Most of the people who paid their DNA adjustment either cannot see themselves doing what would keep the adjustment on or cannot see it would perpetuate the powerful feeling they experienced when I did the adjustment.

And guess what: the adjustment turns off.

Because genes are part of Life. Unless you joyfully use them, unless they are part of the process, your process, they feel that they are not needed, and they turn off…

People who study in higher education institutions need certain capacity genes to turn on, and they do.

When the degree is complete, many of those continue using those genes, and they stay on. But many start doing different things that don’t need any of those genes, and of course the genes turn off.

Life is more enjoyable with those genes on… but life doesn’t care.

Life is most enjoyable when your responsibility gene is on and your entitlement genes are off.

This combination makes a person hate process and love the idea of what it would give them. Homework attitude. The no-achiever.

Read the original article: Whatever you can see yourself doing you can do

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