Experience failure and be well

-failure-12943Well, that didn’t turn out the way I imagined.

I planned to have a series of coaching sessions to test the “itch” method. I made room for 10 people… would have been happy with 8, got one person, someone who knows me well, and in addition I have done the process with her already…

I bet you would be disappointed, and your mind would go crazy on you, if this happened to you… am I right? Me? I am amused, I am curious, I am happy. Not pretend happy, just happy.

How is that possible?

Well, to tell you the truth, I wasn’t always like this. I used to measure myself by my successes, and my failures would set me back a lot.

fear-of-failureI also used to avoid committing in fear a failure. I wanted to stay a student… so I’d never have to prove myself. I quit a job when the new boss asked me to prove myself…

It all changed when I learned a few things… AFTER 26 years of going to transformational programs, like Landmark Education, or Peak Potentials, etc.

Here they are:

  1. I played the Unconditional Love Activator, and gradually I have removed the distance between myself and my Self… and now I have unconditional love within… needing nothing and no one to love me, to approve of me, or need me. I love me, I approve of me, I need me.

    That was about 50-60% of what happened.

  2. In the slipping out of the mind meditations I learned how to identify myself with the Observer, The Witness… and watch the mind from outside of the mind, feel the body from outside of the body, feel the emotions from outside of the emotions.

    Watching it is like watching a storm in a teacup… it doesn’t concern me, I am merely an observer of all that drama, not a participant, not a victim, not a perpetration, not even a supportive character… I am not in the drama.

  3. Doing the “itch” exercise with myself completely altered the context inside which I live my life, coach people, teach…

    I am at peace, I am free, and I live a joyous life, in spite of the horrible feelings I need to experience from people I connect to.

  4. I have gone from a vibration of 35, barely breathing, to a vibration of 900… I have done more work on my soul correction than any living being… and if I had to die today, I would be at peace: I did a good job living this life the way I lived.


How did I do it? What did I do? Can you do it too?

It all began with the willingness to experience discomfort. Luckily I was very miserable already… so the discomfort of fear was smaller than the discomfort I normally felt.

I WORKED my way up and through.

While others were watching TV, gossiping, shopping, cleaning house, playing with their dogs, chatting away online, I worked…

That’s how I did it.

  • I also spent over 100 grands on programs that didn’t work, but I never complained.
  • I also had a massive brain damage that halved my iq for a whole four years
  • I also lived in a relationship so I can survive… I didn’t have enough money to pay my bills
  • I have no family, and no friends, so I could REALLY mean: If it is to be, it is up to me
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    Do you have it in you to work your way up?

    My energy products help, but won’t do the work for you. Without you working, nothing much will happen. And working in a group, preferably, not one-on-one, where you can manipulate the others into talking… instead of holding your feet to the fire!

    Did I just damage my bottom line? Did I just told you not to buy anything from me?

    If what you heard me say is that you should not buy anything from me, that my products are not instant enlightenment, hey… we are not a good match, you and me, you and this process to become a high vibration human being. This WORK… for coherence, for growth, for peace of mind, for getting out of the mind, for learning to control your attention, for changing the past so your future can be different.

    I am OK with that.

    Read the original article: Experience failure and be well

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