The vibration number, often called “vibrational frequency,” tells a lot about a person.
Hi, I am Empath Sophie… I am a true empath… I’ll guide you here to understanding.
“Vibrational frequency” is a number on a logarithmic scale, and it measures how accurately your world view and your emotions, thinking, behavior match reality, to what degree you have departed from human animal and rose to the level of human being. The current level of vibration of humanity is 130, which is about 1% of the way to human beingness.
It is good to know where you are at. You cannot change something that you don’t know where it’s at… With all the pretending, with all the charts, you probably overestimate or underestimate your vibration, your “vibrational frequency”. Click here for another article I explain high vibration
To measure another person’s vibration, spiritual vibration,
- you need to be energetically connected to that person (an empath capacity), or touch them… I am a True Empath, so I can do it remotely, and reliably
- your vibration needs to be above 200… and even there,
- you need to be connected to Source,
- be outside of your ego, to do that… to muscle test the other person’s vibration.
Spiritual vibration, the number, will predict what you can see, recognize, how astute you can be, how well you’ll do in life in all four areas of life: wealth, health, love, and happiness.
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My vibration is above 900, I am 98% outside of my ego, so I trust my measurements. I share my story of how I went from a vibration of 35 to 185 to 295 to ultimately above 900 in about 50 years… I am 70 years old now.
People’s lives, emotional state, achievements, relationships prove that my measurements are accurate, not only their actual feedback, of which I have a ton.
It’s not only how you feel about yourself, but what you can do with your life that testifies and proves your vibration.

When it is obvious to me, I will also email you my recommendation of a product of mine that will either ease your current discomfort, or will start the process of raising your vibration.
If someone has measured your vibration already… then you want a second opinion. If this is you, email me the person’s name or email address… I’ll also measure THEIR vibration for you to see how accurate they could be in measuring yours.
What is vibration? What are we measuring? What is the process?
Vibration, as we use it to measure your level of consciousness, is a number that is reflective of your world view, your self-view, your ability to use all the faculties you as a human have, and it is very indicative of your state of mind, your mood, your ability to see things accurately, to make astute observations, and to make accurate and effective decisions about your affairs, about people, abut stuff.
The measurement of vibration
The measurement of vibration, as I said before, is a number between zero and 1,000.
Want to know your own vibration?
Here is a button to send me a donation of $15. I’ll send you an email with your vibration number, and if appropriate, a path you can follow to raise your vibration.
The scale is logarithmic, Dr. David Hawkins arbitrarily chose a logarithmic scale to show your vibration or consciousness level on his “map of consciousness.” I don’t agree with most of his measurements, and most of his statements, by the way. His ‘Truth versus Falsehood’ book has a puny truth value of 10%. The emotions don’t accurately reflect the level of vibration, the level of consciousness… So if you are trying to raise your vibration so you have better mood… raising your vibration is much more complicated than that… and gets you much more.
A logarithmic scale would say that someone with a 900 vibration is still only at around 50% of what a human being can become as a potential.
Saying that those numbers are Hertz is pretentious: it really has nothing to do with vibration, or frequency: it was just made up. ((It is an interesting aside… but I bought the domain name, because it was cheap. I had no conscious intention to do what I am doing now, raising the vibration of people so they can become human beings, instead of human machines.
But, as they say, god works in mysterious ways, and whether it is god, whether it is my inner guidance, whether my connection with All-of-it, I don’t know, but I was steadily lead down this rabbit hole
But whether it is vibration, or it is consciousness, the vibrational frequency measurement is a useful number.
Vibrational frequency
Although the phenomenon this number shows is not vibrational and not frequency, the number, as I said before is useful.
The number shows where you stand on the consciousness scale.
Consciousness scale divides people to two major groups:
Group 1: lives in hoping, in cause and effect, not knowing that they are cause: instead they are either try to manipulate their own energy, or wait for others to do it for them. This is everyone with a vibrational measurement of 200, 99.99% of humanity.
Group 2: they are aware and conscious that they are causing. On some level, you cause everything, especially your inner state. In the physical world you cause very little, but in the inner state, including your periphery (body, emotions, mind) you cause or can cause everything.
The dividing line is responsibility and integrity. Responsibility as an inner job, and integrity as an inner job.
Above 200 you begin to gain access to beingness. The ability to come from a way of being that you say…
How many beingness state you can come from depends on the number of DNA capacities active and turned on in your DNA. The average number of capacities is between five and seven.
Your current number of capacities is a combined number of the capacities you inherited from one of your parents, and the number of capacities you have added through extreme effort, hardship, and suffering. There is an experimental energetic method I am testing, that can turn on a capacity. The tricky part is keeping the capacity open by needing it for life. Your life.
Consciousness scale measures to what degree you are aware of your environment and the inner workings of a human, especially yours. And to the degree you have access to higher states of being.
Certain ways of being are only available at certain levels of vibration, or vibrational frequency. For example love is somewhere between 520 and 560 on the vibrational scale.
Love for a reason, or love with an agenda don’t qualify to be called love… Love on the vibrational level of being love is pure love, love for no reason, love with no agenda, love for love’s sake.
I promise you, you have never seen or experienced love like that: even to experience it, you need to be on the level of love.
Vibration measurement
Measuring vibration is tricky. Why? Because ego wants it to be high.
- A human who has a vested interest for that vibration measurement to be low or high, does not qualify to measure the vibration
- A human whose vibration is low, does not qualify to measure the vibration: their measurements will be inaccurate
- A human who only connects to their mind or ego will not measure vibration correctly. When you truly connect to Source, there is no mind and there is no ego.
- I measure vibration without ego, while connected to Source, which is all-knowledge. I don’t care what number comes up, I have no ego in the matter, and I have no gain or loss either way.When I measure vibration, I connect to the person I am measuring their vibration, connect to Source. I feel what the person feels, actually I feel stronger what the person feels, than themselves. I may have an opinion, but the number comes from Source, not me, and not from my opinion.
Summary: I measure your vibration as an indicator. I am more able to help you raising your vibration if I know where you are at.
Vibration is a very complicated number, but I can tell a world about you through it.
Your vibration number (between 1 and 1000) tells me how you react to things that are happening. Tells me how truthful you are with yourself and others. Tells me the level of your health, your attitude to feedback and guidance. How accurate your world view is, compared to reality.
It’s a great filtering tool.
Based on what I find, I may recommend you a path to follow to raise your vibration.
Want to find out where you are?
Here is a button to send me a donation. I’ll send you back to you, in email, your vibration number, and if appropriate, a path you can follow to raise your vibration.
To get you this information, I have to connect to you energetically… And I find out more about you than just the numbers… I connect to your soul… and I connect to your personal hell… That’s how I make my decision, on that basis. My experience of being you. No hiding.
Here is my feedback
I looked at your website and I was intrigued as it seemed very interesting. I liked how direct and honest you were whether the readers liked it or not. I did not feel like I was getting scammed by another magic pill.
At the same time I like to avoid the truth or my reality.
As I read on you offered the starting point measurements service for a more than reasonable price. I really did not know what I was asking for when I asked for it.
Be careful what you ask as you just might get it.
I received my starting point measurement which I believe had about 14 or 15 items. As I looked at the list of fifteen items I resonated with some of it. I pondered on others points and thought to myself this could not be true. Sophie is not what I expected.
Everything that I had read about someone that was enlightened was turned on its head. My interaction with Sophie went against everything that I thought that I knew, and then I realized that I knew nothing.
I was still playing with it in terms of what I was presented with via the starting point measurements. I was still pretending. My words did not align with my actions.
Imagine wearing a mask and yet no longer being able to hide. I was nice and polite so I thought. I knew that I was angry and that my life had not and was not going in the direction that I wanted.
I remember the day that I was asking Sophie a few questions and yet I was frustrated that I could not figure it out and Sophie sent me an email saying that I was an angry person and that she would have to immediately refund my money because she could not work with me at this time.
I was banished and yet it was the best day of my life.
I was unmasked. You can’t pretend with Sophie. I went from playing with the starting points measurements to searching online and on her website. I started to look at myself and my life and by referring back to the starting point measurements I was able to see instances in which I was exactly how Sophie said I was.
I was able to see what I did not see before.
As I looked back on instance after another confirmed what Sophie was telling me. The starting point measurements appear at first to be hollow because of your need to want to look away from the truth and because it is only about 15 lines of information. But in those 15 lines there is the content of a book of knowledge if you are willing to peel back the cover and be honest with yourself.
I did something recently that I wanted to do but would not have done if I hadn’t been pushed. I moved out from under the security of my parents’ house. If you are wondering if I am still banished, I am. But I still have access to a treasure trove of resources on Sophie’s website.
One reason I am still banished is because I was told to deal with my anger. I told Sophie that I would not contact her again until I had dealt with it. With my new place I am looking forward to new beginnings in which I will deal with my anger and then I will contact her again. She is great but you won’t like her if you are not ready to deal with your truth.
(When I first came to this page) I did not know how powerful the starting point measurements were. I did not realize how valuable the information that was provided to me actually was. The price being low helped. It is what the name states a starting point. Now that I have gotten a sample of what Sophie has to offer I would be willing to pay more. It is like in marketing where the perceived value determines the price. I would say the quality of her information is priceless.
The more that I looked at my starting point measurements the more the truth started to seep in. I can’t explain it but it is like your wall of defenses go down and the information just gets by your ego. Maybe it is like once you are confronted by the truth you can no longer be ignorant or unconscious.
I liked that the information was presented without the fluff. It was direct and to the point. You did not have to read on and on. The format gave you just enough information for you to start to think.
Take Care
Read the original article: How to measure vibration? How to measure spiritual vibration? how to measure your vibrational frequency