Because 95-97% of humans live as an object in a world of objects, they can’t see you as a person. They see you as they are…
So they can’t…
In my Validation Challenge where you have only one job: as you go about your life in the world and find something to notice, something of value, in people, whether you know them or not.
When people start out in the challenge, all they can see is what they don’t like. Then occasionally they can see something they like. That is still all about them.
The also want to get a response… they want what they say to land as flattering… that is also all about them.
Eventually, some of them will start seeing some value… just because they are looking hard for something to see.
Obviously, given the limited perspective of the human mind, you can only see what you are yourself…
Done over time, hunting and finding something of value to see, people notice that their affinity for themselves, their treatment of themselves shifts… and at least occasionally they are not an object in a world of object, but a person in a world of persons.
How long does it take?
Muscletest says: at least 90 days. Current participants in the challenge paid $45 to be in it… to be tracked every day, given feedback.
Should I extend it to 90 days? Muscletest says: yeah. Let me connect to MY FUTURE SELF and see what ‘it’ says: Its answer was weeping. weeping with joy, weeping because of being moved.
Is it a good financial decision? I don’t know. Not very… not if I consider that my rate is $250 an hour… or should be. But would I be willing to do this work free if it worked? hell yeah. Absolutely.
So shall I ask people to pay another $45 every 30 days? Muscletest says: yes.
Is it worth for the participants?
Hey, if it takes someone 90 days and 135 bucks to become someone who can live as a person in a world of people who consider you and themselves a thing…
I’ve been living there for some time, and I can still remember the difference.
One of the things has been obvious to me lately, given the political climate of the United States: I can be friends with Trump followers, Trump fanboys and fangirls… who spout the same nonsense their fuhrer says in his many utterances.
And I can be friends with them. I gently say: let’s change the topic when they get on their soap box, and we can be friends. I can see the good, the valuable in them and have room for what I don’t consider valuable.
And that attitude, that ability carries over to many areas of life. I am the same way with myself: I now have room for my failings or imperfections. I can be friends with myself. I can be friends with the world, with Covid, with winter, with the deer in my backyard, with living in the fifth poorest community among large metropolitan areas in the United States. Syracuse, NY is also one of the most boring cities… suits me perfectly. I like what other people find boring… I don’t need outside stimulation.
There is a Hungarian song about Fanny Schneider who doesn’t want a red skirt, she wants a gigolo who would stimulate her… lol.
Yeah, I am no Fanny Schenider. I can live anywhere in the world and can be happy.
If I had gotten nothing else out of this, it would be still worth thousands, maybe millions of dollars.
So does it mean I am going to open the Challenge up to new people.
Yes, I am.
If you want to join the Validation Challenge, and are willing to do the work it takes to stay in it… i.e. look for things to value in other people and say so, to them… you can.
It includes activation of the ‘seeing value’ capacity, as often as it is needed.
No work: no results. The capacity simply turns off… it needs to be used to stay on.
OK, here is the link to sign up.