When human arrogance sticks its feet in the door truth escapes
The average truth value of medical and body science is 3%. The 97% combines what we don’t know, and what arrogance says… and is not true.
Today I had luck on my side, and I was taken to a site and to a ‘technology’ that has a higher truth value. It is a whopping 10%. Which means 90% is b.s.
And what about its efficacy? That is its effectiveness, I measured, is 3%.
Or often the foot in the door effect. They will say: everything is energy. Then they’ll jabber about Nicola Tesla… and now you are hooked.
If anyone talks about Tesla in a sales presentation, you can be 100% sure that they are using the food in the door effect… or as you can also call it the ‘nodding technique’. Say things that ‘everyone knows are true’… and the prospect will nod… and keep nodding even when what you say is horseshit… of course, it also stinks.
The meager results are often caused by the placebo effect.
Said in another way: If it works, or better said: when it works, it is due to the placebo effect…
If we could cause the placebo effect in everyone, what would happen?
So let’s look at the placebo effect, without looking in google or Wikipedia…
You see, every shyster makes sure to mention that it is ‘the body that corrects itself’. Well, yes and no. But let’s consider that it’s somewhat true… 10% true, says Source. Really, the truth is: the body wants to go back to the ess, evolutionary stable strategy, the homeostasis, not wholeness, not health. So that is what’s untrue about that sentence.
So what is the truth? Why does placebo effect heal better than the medicine, or treatment you get?
The placebo effect makes Consciousness and the brain touch base.
Like in the case of my massive brain damage, the brain didn’t know that it was unbalanced. That it was lacking 30% of its previous mass. It had to touch base with Consciousness to be knocked awake, SEE what it saw, and do what it needed to do… And the brain, once it knows what’s going on, does what it SEES needs to be done.
So when people are given a placebo, the placebo comes with a promise… and Consciousness and the brain, for a moment, are at the same place. And unless the MIND protests, unless the mind say… b.s., unless that mind’s voice is stronger, so much stronger that it overpowers the brain, the brain will take care of the body.
When I look how many of all people allow their brain to do the brain’s work, I get a number. It is that ‘magic?’ 10%.
That number means: 90% of all humans do not manage to activate the placebo, and do not benefit from therapies that are ineffective but have big promises. The mind prevents them from doing that. The mind’s arrogance.
Oops, I just realized that I haven’t told you what ‘therapy’ I am reviewing, have I?
It is Resona Health, and their resonance frequency therapy and their machine: Vibe. $399… An mp3 device with lots of short audios…
One would think that ‘my’ energies provided a template for that ‘therapy’ and device…
So what is the difference? It’s simple. I didn’t invent, didn’t devise, don’t have anything to do with the energies? I am not even in the picture. They don’t come from me, so my own mind’s tremendous human arrogance, and being a 34 Forget Thyself soul correction don’t interfere… Even though I have enough arrogance to spare…
But what I have managed is humility. I have not put myself in between Source and Consciousness, Source and the brain, Source and its energies. I have reshaped myself as a channel… and didn’t, haven’t HOARDED anything.
So I am remaining nameless. My about-me score is 4%… (humanity’s is ~100%) That about-me number measures to what degree I am about myself… to what degree I think of myself. To what degree I think about what I am getting. Think about what others think of me. Even about what they think of my ‘products’…
The only things that are mine are my articles.
The energies are not mine… I call them down, I transfer them, I record them, but that is that. That is my role.
So what is the truth value and efficacy of these Source energies?
The truth value is 100%. But the efficacy depends on the recipient’s ability and willingness to get out of their mind and allow the brain and Consciousness to do their work.
It is not an accident that I spend so much time trying to get you out of your mind!
As long as you are in the mind, no healing energy can do anything for you.
No DNA activation either. And none of my teaching, no distinctions can reach you, because the mind is protecting you from it all.
I have had some remarkable exceptions: people who I’ve managed to take to the edge of the abyss… where they could stare into death’s face. And that knocked them out of the mind… Knocked them out of the mind long enough that a little corner of reality could enter… and their brain could connect to Consciousness.
And suddenly they, at least some of the, time live outside of the mind, and as I can see, start carving out a life that is worth living.
Here is how you know your about-me score:
The more you notice about other people, not judgment, but noticing, the lower your about-me score.
There is a fundamental difference between noticing and judging.
In noticing you are seeing… in judging you are talking, the mind is talking… and what you see is only part of what you say.
Seeing happens entirely outside of the mind. Talking happens, for most people, 100% in the mind.
It may feel like you are looking. But you are not looking at the thing, you are looking at the representation of it. Its shadow… In the Plato’s Cave. Not at the thing, not in reality.
The Resona Health people constructed a picture in their minds and are now explaining to you how it works… in their imagination.
Except that out there, in reality, it doesn’t do any of that. ANY of that. It’s fiction like Narnia, Harry Potter, or all the conspiracy theories of the day.
So now, that you have read this article: what should you do?
If you care about what I suggest.
I suggest that you put all your eggs in one basket. That you put all your efforts into getting out of the mind. And for that you need a potent, count-on-able practice. And that is taught in the Drink your Food challenge.
While you chew your food to liquid, you want to pay attention to the food, the taste, the consistency… All of those are outside of the mind.
And do it every time you drink your food or chew your water.
The clearer you see the distinction between being in the mind and being present, the more the distinction ‘present’ becomes available to you.
And then, eventually, you’ll be able to bring that distinction to other areas, other times, and get out of your head.
This should be your only effort for the foreseeable future…
All the power, all the pleasure, all the ‘alive’ feelings are outside of the mind.
I don’t have a magic wand for you. If you wanted to be connected to Source: this is the first phase you need to conquer. Being present.
And then we talk…
Once you are in the challenge, you want to make sure you become part of the community. We have a forum for that… And write down your experience, so I can give you feedback. Guide you if necessary.
No forum? You won’t succeed. Guaranteed.

Read the original article: When human arrogance puts its feet in the door truth escapes